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I spent the morning lounging in Natasha's bed, she was quite nice when she wasn't trying to arrest me. It was nearly lunchtime when I got up to get dressed
"What are you doing?" She asked lifting her head from the pillow we'd been sharing. Her red hair was messy from all the rolling around we'd been doing.

"Home. I've got things to do, people to see...projects to finish" I said pulling on my jeans.
"But...I thought you'd stay" she said quietly
"Didn't have you as needy Romanoff" I said with a smirk, "why would I stay? Your boss is always trying to arrest me for some shit"

She rolled her eyes, "I just meant it'd be safe for your here, someone's framing you. Anyway what do you have that's so important to do?" She has a point, can't be blamed for something if I'm here.

"I've got some stuff to finish" I wasn't sharing my plans with her, she'd only try and stop me.
"Blowing up old Hydra bases?" She questioned
"I thought Wanda was the mind reader?" I threw back at her, "anyway I can't stay hidden in your room til this blows over. That's not much better than prison".

"Rude" she said sitting up so the covers fell away exposing her naked chest I felt smug knowing that I'd caused the bite marks that were starting to bruise, "you wouldn't have my company in prison"

I groaned, why did she have to be such a temptress. I looked between her and the wall I'd been planning to escape through.
"What if I clear it with Tony? If he says you're cleared to stay will you?" She continued quickly, "to keep you safe" I couldn't concentrate while her boobs were out so I just nodded like an idiot. I need to get a grip!

"Fine but I need to go get some clothes and stuff anyway so just text me what he says?" I said trying to sound unbothered by it all. Really I was actually looking forward to spending some more time with Nat if I was allowed to come back. I didn't get her answer I just started walking through the compound walls until by some miracle I made it back outside without being spotted.

I was packing up my belongings. I say packing really I was just shoving things into a backpack, when someone knocked on my door. I grabbed my gun and moved to try and look who it was, this wasn't the kind of place neighbours dropped by. Natasha's paranoia is rubbing off on me.

"Will you open the door already. It's rude to keep a lady waiting" I recognised the voice it was Wanda, weird that she was here now.
I pulled the door open and there she was in a red velour suit and a white shirt. She looked like she'd just stepped out of a board meeting, my jaw hit the ground she looked a lot different to the compound.
"I had a mission in the city and Nat thought you might want a ride back to the compound if you had a lot of stuff to carry" I was still staring at her so she kept talking, "Tony said you can stay he's not 100% on trusting you but I said I'd checked your mind...I gave him the clean version though. You're welcome"
Part of me was annoyed that Nat had known where I'd been staying, probably this entire time, I'd been so sure I'd been untraceable this time. I'm gonna have to ask her how she does it. Bet she only sent Wanda to prove that she knows everything.

"Uh thanks" my caveman brain took over. Pull yourself together and invite her in. "I'm nearly packed if you wanna wait inside?" She smiled and her nose scrunched up, it was cute, she followed me into the cramped apartment. I shoved the last of my stuff into my bag and grabbed my laptop.
"Ready" I said, she looked at me like I had three heads.
"Where's your stuff?"
I gestured to the bag on my back. "This is it"
"Seriously?" She looked shocked.
"I've never had much stuff plus it's easier to travel light on the run" I explained as we had to the carpark, "oh shit i forgot something" I ran back into my old apartment going straight through the door and not bothering to open it,no point having powers if you don't use them, I grabbed a small box and shoved it deep into my bag .

I did the same when we got to the car. Simply stepping through the metal and getting onto my seat. Wanda looked impressed. "Have you always avoided using doors?"
"Saves time" I answered looking away from her, please don't ask where my powers are from.
I think she was listening to my thoughts because we drove in silence for a while, I tried to think of something to say to break the ice.

" and Nat? I didn't see that coming. You've been a thorn in her side since that bank job with the glitter bombs 6 years ago. I think she's still finding glitter" Wanda asked lightly.
"Yeah it surprised me too..." I replied not knowing what else to say.
"What's going on with you two then?" She pressed on. I have no idea.
"Not sure I guess it's just fun for now" I answered keeping my eyes fixed on the road. Fun is good right? Would I want more than fun with Nat? She does make good breakfast.
"Hmmm, that's good" I could feel her looking at me while she said it, "good that it's fun I mean" she corrected herself.

I felt bold suddenly, "don't you ever have fun Wanda?"
Fuck did I just make it weird?
"Of course I have fun...just I work a lot too..." she paused, "me and Nat have different versions of fun" now that made me curious. I stole a glance at her, she was chewing her bottom lip. I wonder what she means different versions. I was about voice my thoughts when I realised we were driving under the compound. Of course they have an underground carpark.

We sat in the car for a minute as Wanda checked her phone. Probably texting Nat to say we'd arrived. I was about to jump out when she spoke again.
"Hey princess..." I turned to look at her and she pulled me in by my shirt collar, "I'll show you what I mean sometime" she kissed me softly, my body relaxed into the kiss I hadn't realised I was so tense. She gently explored my mouth with her tongue as she held the side of my face with her hand. Everything was slow and gentle so different to the urgency when I was kissing Nat, I felt myself getting hot under her touch and then it was gone. She got out of the car and left me trying to catch my breath before I followed her. My brain was so busy trying to catch up on what happened I actually used the door.

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