☦︎ ︎Escape With Style ☦︎︎ Chapter 6 ☦︎︎

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Not story related:

Hello everyone I am going to continue this book thanks to your words and not me totally not getting hooked on the manga that I came in touch with the fandom not at all.......

Anyway I am going to continue this book till I get really bored with it and also there will, be long updates so please don't get mad at me.

Anyway that's all enjoy this chapter! (•̀•́)و


The man in black also known as the port mafias Silent Mad Dog Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, stood menacingly in the hallway as he was ordered to capture some of Class 1A.

Kinda Deku Pov-

Akutagawa had not much interest in the matter especially fighting and anyone could guess who wanted to fight.

Katsuki Bakugo...... He was an idiot for thinking he could go against Akutagawa and yet.... why did Akutagawa go easy?

No Pov-

Akutagawa stand facing the opposite way from bakugo the entire time when they were fighting Todoroki and Tokoyami were supporting him while the rest escaped to contact the ADA but one person stood still.

Izuku, he had frozen still from fear but fear of what.?

Was it the fear of death?


The fear of losing a friend?

No, not so much, he knew they would be fine.

The fear of knowing that your useless?


Izuku feared of not being able to help his classmates but something was stopping,

He, KNEW that Akutagawa was stronger, smarter and overall just better than them.

So then all he could ask himself why was he going easy on them? He knew that the port Maria was evil but why would someone like Akutagawa who is pretty much merciless go easy on a bunch of kids he needs to capture but his thinking was stooped when Akutagawa captured Bakugo and smashed something onto the ground causing it to shatter onto the ground.

Akutagawa: 'I have no purpose of capturing any of you, and don't ask why blame the damn people that requested that you kids were to be captured especially you Blondie.'

Izuku thought who would request such a thing? I mean we're just kids!? Anyone can clearly see that's wrong except.....

The League of Villains

Tokoyami: 'Then why did you go to such lengths just to let us go?'

Akutagawa: 'Believe me but I didn't want to but thanks to my boss I am allowed to ignore the request when I got bored so here we are now.'

Todoroki: 'You got bored? I may be one of the people with not a lot of commen sense but what the hell! Cause you got bored you stopped.'

Bakugo eventually got out of kidnappers ability and was free to go.

Akutagawa: 'Get mad at me all you want but doesn't change the fact your lucky enough to leave with all your lives.'

And with that Akutagawa escaped Scot free once again.

After that event everyone left in the Hotel that was still on fire on certain floors and fire fighters did their jobs, Class 1A was told it was recommended that they should all return back to school but they were allowed to come back again as an apology from the ADA and they also hid the entire thing as well since some of the kids parents might've gone a bit crazy if the news got out.

And with that near the end of the year of 1st year Class 1A sent out a certain letter to ask for a stay but this time the students decided if they wanted to stay or not.

To be continued.......


Wow 600 words on the dot ('̀-'́)

Thank you for reading this book/chapter and I hope you will continue to enjoy it (●''●)

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