☠︎︎ To the ADA ☠︎︎ Chapter 8 ☠︎︎

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(( Ok ngl I forgot if I used that Amv or not lol also as a reminder none of the photos or amvs are mine ))

The Students and Teacher arrived once again back to the Ada.

That tall building, the remarkable staff, the unstoppable president and the terror of the hotel, they remember it all. They students still had that fear but that didn't stop them.

Aizawa: Okay students remember mind your manners and stuff also remember don't get sidetracked and just follow me.

The kids: Yes Sir

The students and their teacher walked up through the same corridor, the same stairs up to the same door and with a simple knock and with permission they opened a door to chaos.

(( Reminder I have read the manga, the light novels and seen all of the anime so their may be some spoilers for that onwards but this take place after the dead rats incident so basically in between the end of season 3 and the manga for that onwards if that makes sense 😅 ))

Dazai decided to eat those shrooms again so he's in shrooms mode, Yosano was drunk, the Tanzaki siblings were just being them, Kenji was passed out on the table.

Atsushi was trying to calm down Daizi but ended up with him crying in the corner, Kyoka was helping Atsushi with trying to calm down Dazai as well but she ended up just babying Atsushi.

And Ranpo was with a guy that no one from Class 1A even knew and Kunikida decided just to ignore it all and just continue with work.

Aizawa: You know what maybe coming here early was a bad idea

Kunikida: Oh I wasn't informed that you were arriving early but you know what this is fine....... really fine you know what let's take you to your dorm

Kunikida sounded like he was in pain, just in pain from dealing with this daily even the students could tell that much from just opening the door but that didn't question it.

The UA people followed Kunikida to the bottom floor where they sat their luggage down and followed him to the car they had back since the one they had before got destroyed (( hehe reference to season 1 I think lol ))

Kunikida drove for about 5, 10 minutes to the place they were staying. The place he token them looked terrible, the walls looked like it was just moss thanks to it growing everywhere on the wall the metal looked like it was deteriorating but if you yes you the reader.

If you hadn't guessed where they are they are at the place where two of the ADA live and it's The place where Atsushi and Kyoka live!!!!

(( I should stop breaking the 4th wall 😂 ))

They students looked dumbfounded when they arrived because before they were at this big fancy hotel but now they are at this grubby apartment block.

Kunikida: Well were here

Izuku: Wait we are staying here?!?

Kunikida: Yes is there a problem with that?

Todoroki: I actually think this is quite nice

Bakugo: No one cares Icyhot

Todoroki: I didn't ask your opinion either Bakugo

Bakugo: Oh my god do you ever shut u-

Aizawa: Shush all of you

Kunikida: As I was saying this is where you will be staying also this is where two of our staff stays so if you ever need them you can just go over

Aizawa: Ok thank you Kunikida well be off now and we will see you when tomorrow?

Kunikida: You are supposed to meet up at the agency at 9:30 tomorrow but you have the rest of today off so enjoy it

The Students: Yes / Yes Sir

Kunikida: bye then.

After that Kunikida drove off to deal with the pure chaos at the agency as for the students they went up to their rooms were the all stayed in separate rooms for rental and enjoyed their rest of the day.

Thank you for reading this chapter this was kinda hard to do but I still hope you liked it before I forget I am going to add 2 ships one of them is my comfort ship and another I'd just a random thought I had but you will know these ships later on in the story

Again thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter. ('̀-'́)

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