☠︎︎ First Day of Work ☠︎︎ Chap 9 ☠︎︎

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The day has finally came, Class 1A's first day of work.

In each of the apartment rooms every kid was getting ready and eventually waiting outside in the freezing cold since none of them decided to check the weather forecast.

Minute by minute they waited not knowing what to do eventually a white haired kid and a small girl came down to them.

Atsushi: Hi everyone sorry for you all waiting I kind of overslept today

???: Good morning

(They haven't met her yet)

Izuku: Good Morning Atsushi I didn't except you to be staying here.

Atsushi: Yea... But it's really comfortable also I forgot to introduce you to Kyoka properly

Kyoka: Good morning everyone

Ochaco and Momo: Awwwww...... Wait how old is she!?!?

Kyoka: I am 14

Izuku: That's very young

Kyoka: I'm fine with it

Atsushi whilst listening in with the conversation checked his phone.


And with that Atsushi and Kyoka ran off

Class 1A kids: WHAT ABOUT US?!?!


After the hassle and the apartments they all arrived on time and didn't have to deal with an angry Kunikida.

Kunikida: Good you all came right on time,first of all I would like to formally introduce you as part of the agency as assistants and next is who your going to work with today understand?

Izuku: Yes sir, thank you sir

Momo: Yes sir

Bakugo: Sure

Todoroki: Mhm..

Ochaco: Oki doki  sir!

Kunikida: Ok, so first you will be working with Ranpo on a search case for theft, we thought this would be better since I don't think you kids would be ready to see murder scenes just yet.


Kunikida: Yes, Yes I do

Bakugo: BITCH!

Kunikida: Ok ok calm down i would like to finish.

But Bakugo didn't agree, he lunged at Kunikida with full force. When Bakugo was so close to Kunikida's face, Kunikida grabbed Bakugo from the wrist and flung him over his shoulder just for him to fall to ground, his moves were swift, smooth and strong.

Kunikida: Ok back to what I was explaining, it's a simple find and retrieve case and what you are trying to find is this book.

Kunikida paused with his words and took out his book to a page that had a paper clip on it and token out a photo.

Kunikida paused with his words and took out his book to a page that had a paper clip on it and token out a photo

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( Pretend the writing is there lol )

Kunikida: This book is important, it's someone's ability and it's only controlled if the user has it so it must be found immediately. Got it?

Class 1A: Yes Sir

Kunikida: Good, also you all need to wait for Ranpo seems like he's still at the store for sweets.

And with that everyone from the ADA finished of their paperwork and Class 1A they sat at the side waiting for Ranpo to arrive when suddenly.


The door slowly opened to show a shy man peaking through.

???: Umm is Ranpo-san in??

Atsushi: No but you can wait here if you want Poe-kun

Poe??: Ok, thank you Atsushi

Class 1A waited a few more minutes until the door slammed right open to show a small boy  walking through.

The small boy kept walking through until he noticed the shy man and ditched his bags and ran into his arms.


Poe??: AA! Ranpo-San!

To be continued......

Sorry ppl that this chapter is pretty short and really bad but I am working on it since I am busy rn so the updates might take longer than usual but I hope you keep reading my story

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