␈You Deserve To Live␈Chap 17␈

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Class 1A and Atsushi followed Young Dazai to a church, surprisingly they didn't notice it until now, in a way it was kind of like the other room were they only noticed stuff after they looked through Some memories,

Eventually they all made it to the entrance of the church and once there Young Dazai started to disappear infront of them,

Y!Dazai: It seems my time has finally come.......

Class 1A and Atsushi bowed when Young Dazai disappeared then made their way inside the church,

Inside the church it looked really fancy, like it was just made the now but In a way it didn't seem like a church, more like an art gallery and once again after taking a few more steps they found the real Dazai but with someone,

Inside the church it looked really fancy, like it was just made the now but In a way it didn't seem like a church, more like an art gallery and once again after taking a few more steps they found the real Dazai but with someone,

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It was an even younger Dazai with him him but all he said when he noticed them was,

Yr!Dazai: Tell me what do you see here...?

Izuku: Huh? I'm confused,

Ochaco: Same,

Todoroki: We might just need to answer his question

Bakugo: Fine then! Hey you! All I see is an idiot tied up in a chair,

Yr!Dazai: Wrong, try again.

Momo: What the Hell Bakugo! We're trying to save Dazai-San

Bakugo: Well sorry for saying what I see

Momo: Well you need to try harder,

Todoroki: Damn.... Momo snapped

Atsushi: Is it ok ig I go next?

Yr!Dazai: Not at all,

Atsushi: Well I see a man who's changed, he helped me a lot when no one else did, he may be morally gray but he's on the side of good.

Sometimes he can be annoying, selfish and overall a nuisance but he's a great friend and I'm glad he is working at the ADA, and do you want to know the best part, HE DESERVES TO LIVE EVEN IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO!!

Yr!Dazai: Correct, you have passed with flying colours Young Atsushi.

And with that Dazai slowly wakes up.

Atsushi: Dazai-san! Are you alright?

Dazai: I'm fine Atsushi, if you don't mind me asking where's Chuuya and Akutagawa

Izuku: Well........

Class 1A and Atsushi then had to explain what happened to Atsushi and him and also tell him how to save them.

Dazai: Ah, ok then let's get going to the start again then!

Atsushi and Class 1A: Yes/Yes sir.

The gang then left Dazai's world to return to the start and once again the door was locked,

The next door along was a black door with strange marks but it seemed like Dazai knew who was next..

To be continued.....

This was what I kinda meant by it being short but I think you can guess who's next! Anyway I might take like a day off then continue writing but I still haven't properly decided but thank you for reading this chapter! ^••^

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