☠︎︎ Catching up ☠︎︎ Chap 11 ☠︎︎

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Ability Ultra Deduction

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Ability Ultra Deduction

Izuku: Sorry if this sounds rude Ranpo but nothing happens all you did was take out some old pair of glasses and put them on your head

Poe: Well that's not all

Ranpo: YUP! And I know where the book is!

Bakugo: Seriously you know where it is? My ass man, I bet your just saying that just to look cool,

Ranpo: You would but why would i lie about this? Anyway would you all like me to explain what happened in detail?

Momo: Yes please this could help us understand what happened?

Ochaco: Yes please! Like Momo said this would definitely help us!

Ranpo: Since at least some of us are so kind I will explain everything!

Poe: Ranpo-Kun would you like me to explain your ability to them?

Ranpo: Oh yea forget about that part and it's fine Poe-Kun I can explain myself,

Todoroki: Ah, so that was your ability?

Ranpo: Yup! Kudos for putting it together! My ability is Ultra Deduction and it lets me see through all lies and spot the truth!

Izuku: That's really handy especially since you work in the detective agency

Ranpo: Yup ok now I will explain what happened here,

Ranpo: So late at night the thief drove up here in a Black SUV so they couldn't be spotted during the night, after they parked in a useful spot so it was easy for their escape and simply broke in,

Bakugo: So this idiot just broke in just like that and decided to make a mess just for a book?

Ranpo: No would you let me finish next time dummy

Ranpo: al I was saying after they broke in the owner of the house heard the glass breaking and went through to his office to figure what made the noise, due that time the theif was most likely searching the room for the book was stolen but didn't expect the owner of the house was awake.

Ranpo: Remember the blood we mentioned earlier?

Class 1A nodded in response

Ranpo: Well that was due to the fight that the Thief and the owner of the house had and it seems like the owner of the house lost but I think the thief wasn't ready to take a life so they spared the owner of the house and fled the scene, and that what happened.

Izuku: All that information in such a short period of time is making my head hurt a bit

Ochaco: Same Deku-Kun

(Pls remind me does Ochaco call Izuku 'Deku' I can't remember 😅)

Poe: So Ranpo-Kun do you know where the thief is?

Ranpo: Is there any need for asking me, of course I know they are at ********** ** ********

Ranpo: So... Come on let's go!!

And with that Class 1A and Ranpoe were off like the speed of light to catch the theif and return the book.

❦ Time Skip ❦

The detective squad reached the thief's hideout, it seemed to be an abandoned building but that didn't stop them but what did was when Poe token out a book.

Izuku: Poe-Kun what are you doing?

Poe: O-Oh sorry my ability isn't great with fighting so I'll be waiting here in case they try to escape

Izuku: Oh ok well I guess we're off see you later!

Poe: B-Bye

The gang ran in searching the place, minute by minute, second by second, and room by room they weren't getting any closer until Ranpo found something


Ranpo shouted out that he found something but also said look if you have a strong stomach the class 1A were confused but still looked despite the very clear warning.

It was a body, a corpse, a real human being, a life was taken there corpse was torn apart.

Limb from limb a persons body was flung around a room, blood everywhere and the person eyes wide opened, they were alive, being torn limb from limb awake, feeling every muscle, bone, vein, joint torn from their body.

⚠️ Gore warning gone it's ok to continue to read on ⚠️

Class 1A didn't see a body before but had the back bone not to barf so kudos to them but still it was very traumatic to them, not everyday they would see a corpse in their quirk loving world but here they realised Yokohama was like a whole nother world and this was the norm,

Ranpo: Welp I guess it wasn't his lucky day, let's hope he still has the book also can one of you contact Poe and tell him they theif is dead


Ranpo: I'm confused what do you mean


Ranpo: I still don't understand this is normal people die and so what it's a detective job to know what happened like if it was a natural death or not, do you have a problem with that, oh wait you do cause your so used to being powerful you all forget that death is still a factor.........

Ranpo stopped speaking so did the students, they didn't expect Ranpo to go on a rampage like that but whilst the silence was strong Ranpo just token a large deep breathe and continued his work,

Ranpo: Sorry bout that it's just annoying that people forget the simplest things like other people have different minds that's really annoying it reminds me when I was younger when I thought adults were bad enough seems like people in general are bad well not exactly though I guess it just depends on the person it self I guess.

Suddenly someone walked through

Poe: Umm.... I heard yelling.....

Poe slowly looked round the room

Poe: Ah.... Should've guessed as much I guess we can still look for the book though right Ranpo-Kun

Ranpo: Yup Poe! Ok everyone let's forget what just happened and let's get to work!

Class 1A : ok.....

To be continued...........

Thanks for reading the latest chapter!! :D

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