☠︎︎ Theres 2 Now ☠︎︎ Chap 12 ☠︎︎

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It was investigation time for the detective squad, the 2 priorities for now was to find the book and the murderer who was now revealed as a young man in his early 20's but without anybody to get a blood sample to identify who he is, the thief goes by no name for now.

Ranpo and Poe investigated the corpse since Class 1A couldn't handle the stench of death just yet, and so Class 1A searched the place for the book.

Ochaco checked one of the rooms with simple office stuff like desks, cabinets, and other stuff but basically the room was filled to the brim with documents from 1990 to now.

Momo Decided to keep watch outside of the room Ranpo and Poe was in incase anything bad happens or Ranpo just wanted sweets since Momo could make them.

Todoroki checked the hallways since every so often there was storage stuff down the hallway that could be checked out for some useful information.

Bakugo went to a room full of office cabinets and checked most of the folders in each door, most of them were just old smuggling records but nothing too special.

And in the end all of them turned out just to be a waste of time.....

Except for Izuku!

Izuku checked the room right next to the room were Ranpo, Poe and Momo were and in the room was just a single desk with a couple of chairs.

The desk seemed really fancy like it was just new whilst the chairs just seemed to be rotting away with time. On the desk were two white books with the same title 'Secret backgrounds' one of the books was really dusty whilst the other wasn't it seemed looked like Mr No name stole one of the books ages ago and the other one recently.

When Izuku found both of the books he shouted everyone to come over so he could show them what he found.

Izuku: Guys look! It's the book we needed to find and another one with the exact same title!

Bakugo: We're not blind Deku! Of course we can see that the books have the sam title.

Todoroki: Well done Midoriya for finding the book,

Ochaco: Yea well done Deku!

Izuku: Eh! EEHH! I DiDnT ExPeCt tO bE cOmPlImEnTed ThAnKs

Ranpo: Ah! Ok I think I get what's going on but first we need to contact the agency to tell them what happ-


Ranpo was cut off by his phone ringing he immediately answered and listened to what the caller said then hung up.

Ranpo: Ok everyone time to head back to the agency!

Izuku: Wait, what, why?

Ranpo: All will be answered when we arrive back.

Izuku: Oh ok......

And with that everyone travelled back to the agency by foot well except for Ranpo he was carried back by Poe on his back.

*Time Skip to when they arrive at the agency*

Ranpo: Hello Kunikida-Kun!

Kunikida: Ah Ranpo you finally arrived were going to have a meeting soon, I also expect you told those kids what's happening

Ranpo: Yea, Yea I'm about to do that the now,

Poe: Well I'm sorry but I ne-need to go bye Ranpo-Kun

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