☠︎︎ We need to find that book ☠︎︎ Chap 10 ☠︎︎

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After th e screen brought about from the small boy and the shy one Class 1A learned that was Ranpo and Poe and they see quite surprised when the found out that they were lovers when they were heading to the place were the book was stolen.

(Heh.... So here's the comfort ship I added sorry if you don't like it but it's really wholesome and I love it if you don't like the ship then I am really sorry but I still hope you still like the story)

Izuku: Wait I know we are searching for the book because it's someone's ability but why do we need to find for it so quickly.

Ranpo: Good question but I think it's because it's the ability itself thats why we need to find it quickly

Poe: If, Ranpo says it's that t-then it's definitely that....


Poe: O-Oh I'm sorry.......


(I Stan he/they Poe also idk how to spell the dog name lol)


Todoroki: Bakugo your too noisy

Bakugo: Like I care Icyhot

Ochaco: Well...... Look at that we're already here

Momo: Yup so let's start this mission..... hehe.......

Ranpo: Ok!

The Scooby gang walked up to the house it kind of looked like a mansion from the size of it but nonetheless they need to focus on their work.

Momo: So Ranpo-san we're should we start

Ranpo: Hmmmmm.... meh i don't know just look around just call my name or Poes if you find something

Izuku: WAIT! Your not going to help us?

Ranpo: If I did how would you learn something

Momo: What do you mean?

Ranpo: If I went to find it then I would be finished in about a minute but you came here to learn so you have half an hour to guess where it could be if your right I will treat you with sweets but if you get it wrong then you owe me sweets

Bakugo: What makes you so sure that you won't get it wrong?

Ranpo: Cause i have something that none of you have

Ochaco: I'm kinda curiously what's that?

Ranpo: Do I seriously need to spell it out for you all? I'm starting to have second doubts that you can find this book.

Poe: Ranpo that's a bit rude but you kids should start searching it's already been 5 minutes

Class 1A: WAIT WHAT!?

Ranpo: Yup so go!

Class 1A: Yes sir!

And with that Class 1A split up to search for clues, none of them went upstairs though since there was police tape up there and Poe instructed them not to go up, during the search class 1A heard a thud on floor and when they went to the thud was they only saw a Poe on the floor and Ranpo eating sweets.

And with that Class 1A split up to search for clues, none of them went upstairs though since there was police tape up there and Poe instructed them not to go up, during the search class 1A heard a thud on floor and when they went to the thud was t...

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Class 1A just stood there for about a minute dumbfounded but decided to continue the search until time was up.


Izuku: Oh really that felt so long though,

Ochaco: Really? I thought that felt really fast for me,

Bakugo: Does that really matter, obviously I did better than everyone,

Todoroki: I'm betting that you did terrible,

Bakugo: Shut it Half n Half! I betting you did the worst,

Todoroki: Ok let's se-

Momo: Umm everyone let's all calm down,

Ranpo: Good now did anyone figure out where the boo is?

Class 1A: .........

Class 1A: We forgot about that part......

Ranpo: You I thought at first adults were bad, WELP! I was wrong teenagers are bad as well

Poe: EEK- Ranpo-san how's not the time for that we need to find that book.

Ranpo: Oh yea forgot about that, anyway since you kids clearly forgot what your mission was can you at least tell me what you found.

Izuku: Sure, I'll go first!

Izuku: So I searched the main office on the first floor, that place was a mess there was paper everywhere it seems like the paper were full of important documents but it talked about smuggling in stuff through the port but I don't understand what that's about but whilst I was looking through the documents.

There was blood on them it suggest that there may have been a fight of some kind I don't really know myself. I think I also recall a small box about a size where a book could be stored but it's only the size of a small book that could be stored though.

Ranpo: Good work! Now who's next?

Bakugo: Obviously me!

Ranpo: Then go ahead,

Bakugo: I searched the living room duh I also asked the weird officers about the alibi and stuff and they owner of this shitty place says that he was in his living room when he heard a noise in his office and went there but the officers didn't tell me the rest.

Ranpo: I didn't think u would get this much info good for you I guess! Haha!

Ochaco: I'll go next!

Ochaco: Well I was searching with Momo since this place gives me the creeps so we checked here, like more nearer the stairs since we noticed the broken vase,

Momo: Yup when we looked where the vase it seems there was a peice of paper one side said some sort of code the other said some sort of letter we have it here with us but the handwriting was really bad so we couldn't make it what it says.

Ranpo: Seems important pass it over I'll give it to Kunikida-kun later,

Todoroki: Seems like, I'm the last person,

Ranpo: Yup!

Todoroki: Well I looked outside in the garden and it seems there were trails of a car and shoe trails heading up to the house then to the window and back, sadly there were nothing there that we could use to identify the thief.

Ranpo: Good work!

Poe: Definitely W-well done everyone,

Ranpo: Also we don't need anything that identifies the thief cause we have everything right here!

Class 1A: Wait what!?

Ranpo: Yup let me show you!



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To be continued.........

Hey everyone I hope you are enjoying this story so far and I hope you have a good day/night/morning/afternoon

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