✞ Empty Room ✞ Chap 24 ✞

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No one could speak, after that argument.There was no true winner if it was like a competition but no one tried to pry into it now.

The group eventually made their way to the middle of the slums. At the middle there was a giant hole and at the very bott was a small door.

C!Aku then proceeded to open the small door that showed stairs leading further down.

C!Aku: You can now go in.

The gang just nodded and went down the flight of stairs, and what appeared was sort of expected.

The gang just nodded and went down the flight of stairs, and what appeared was sort of expected

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It was a dark empty room with a door opened.

It seemed that Akutagawa has escaped without them,

To be continued.....

Sorry for the short chapter.

Now I shall explain what I meant form the last chapter since it kind of came out the way I didn't want, but it's edited now so this is kinda like an info thing now?? I don't really know. Anyway:

Yes Akutagawa is not an angel/savour/good guy anything like that and that I do not forgive him for anything he did the Kyoka

And yes I am glad that Dazai that is changing to a better person but they he has treated Aku especially in the manga just made him have a bad rep with me.

And 1 other thing, MORI IS A FUCKING BITCH!!

Cause it was All Moris fault but in a way it was Dazai's/Akutagawa's fault as well but mostly Mori.

I hope that clears up what I meant in the last chapter if there is anything you want me to clear up then please say so cause I don't want to offend people that isn't my intention

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and keep reading this story ʕʔ

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