☦︎︎ Welcome to the ADA ☦︎︎ Chap 3 ☦︎︎

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It has been to weeks since the people that passed the test to head to Yokohama. The 9 people that passed headed onto the bus then once they got to the station they headed to the not-so wonderful Yokohama.

At the ADA---------------------------------------------------------

Daizi: "Hmmmm.... Ohhh!! Hey Atsushi wanna help me with a new suicide technique i just found out."

Atsushi: NO! Daizi please stop were having guests today.

Kunikida: "Yes exactly and there already 39 seconds late!! WHEN ARE THEY GETTING CAUSE THRE MESSING UP MY SCHEDLE!!"

Ranpo: "Well my guess that their lost."

Kenji: "Well that would make sense. I hope they make it here soon."

*Knock Knock*

Junichiro: "I think that might be them!"

Atsushi: "You can come in!"

A tall man wearing baggy clothes opened the door and walked in with 9 children.

Fukuzawa: "Welcome to the Armed Detective Agency i hope you will learn quite a bit here.... but wasn't there supposed to be more kids??"

Aizawa: "We token a little test to see if they were ready to come here since the high crime rates."

Fukuzawa: "Well your not wrong.. Atsushi!!"

Atsushi: "Yes President!"

Fukuzawa: "Give a little tour to our guests and introduce everyone to our workers.."

Atsushi: "Yes sir!" (faces the students) "Could you please follow me."

Atsushi walked over to the private bit where the ADA usually talk to their clients when speaking face to face and made them sit down so they could speak.

Atsushi: "Hello everyone my name is Atsushi Nakajima but you can call me Atsushi and there's no need to tell me your name Hehe we kinda looked at your profiles so we kinda know your name already sorry about that its kind of invading your privacy again sorry"

Midoriya: "Oh its fine Atsushi sir!"

Atsushi: "Phew... i thought you guys were gonna get mad at me hehe..."


Kirishima: "Bro calm down these guys are real agents so please calm down"

Bakugou just tsk-ed and just looked away from the group.

Kirishima: "sorry about him.... Where did he go??"

Atsushi looked over the couch looking like he literally saw a ghost.

Atsushi: "sorry about that but honestly he scared me like the first time Kunikida shouted at me for not doing my report and damn i thought i honestly died that day."

Tsuyu: "Who's that??"

Atsushi: "Oh yeah now lets get back to introductions!!"

After that Atsushi token the nine kids and introduced everyone in the ADA and understood everyone a little bit more and after that long day the Class 1A students went to the hotel that they are staying that for the night but little did they know that something bad was coming up.

☦︎︎The Trip☦︎︎BSDxMHA Crossover☦︎︎Where stories live. Discover now