☯︎︎ A God ☯︎︎ Chap 18 ☯︎︎

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With the group just entering the stranger marked door, what they saw was only destruction but also the peaceful of the slums on the other side like there was 2 people,

Atsushi: Het Dazai-san do you have any idea who this place belongs to??

Dazai: I have an idea and I am most likely correct,

Bakugo: Then tell us you idiot!!

???: Ok, ok calm down, I was going to make an epic entrance like a god should but I cannot be bothered to hear you shouting 24/7

Izuku: If you don't mind me asking who are you??

???: Well I am Arahabaki, god of calamity,

Arahabaki then decided to appear i front of everyone to show what they looked like,

Arahabaki then decided to appear i front of everyone to show what they looked like,

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(Ok I kind of liked this a lot so this is what Arahabaki looks like Kk cool)

Dazai: So the god dwelling inside Chuuya finally decides to show face I'm guessing

Arahabaki: Ah and you must be the guy who uses their ability to help my host I'm guessing,

Dazai: You are correct,

Atsushi: Wait What!?

Izuku: I am so confused.......


Dazai: Well sine you all are asking now to sum it up this god was forced into Chuuya,

Arahabaki: Yea pretty much

Atsushi: But how though??

Arahabaki: Well if you want to you can go through my realm or you can go with the other guide, your choice.

To be continued.......

For the first time ever, A VOTING TIME!!

I as you can see there are 2 options all you need to do is to comment on what 1 you want there is a time limit so vote now!!

Go with Arahabaki:

Go with the other guide:

Thank you all for reading today's chapter sorry this came out more badly than the other chapters I have been feeling a little bit trashy today but ik some ppl we're excited about the next chapter so I decided to say screw it to my health and made this chapter,

Again ty for reading today's chapter also I am changing my user I used to be bloodmoonscythe but now I am zxmbiefied just btw incase some of you were wondering,

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