☯︎︎ Tainted Sorrow ☯︎︎ Chap 20 ☯︎︎

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The group then followed Arahabaki to the final room of Chuuya's world,

Arahabaki: Welp we arrived,

Atsushi: This kind of gives me Sci Fi vibes from this iron door

Izuku: Your right,

Dazai: Ok people we got no time to waste we must save my sleeping beauty!!

Arahabaki: God your so cringe, good luck I guess I'm out

Class 1A, Atsushi and Dazai then watched Arahabaki leave the group to go back to the beginning and the group went into the final room of the world,

And if your wondering yes this looked like an actual lab,

And if your wondering yes this looked like an actual lab,

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Atsushi: This place looks so dead inside,

Dazai: I expected that since Chuuya has had a lot of things leaving him or dying and it would make him feel sad,

Todoroki: Like you leaving him once,

Dazai: Hold up how do you know that??

Todoroki: Ummmm..... imma just say I saw that with one of the memories

Dazai: Fair enough, we should start looking for Chuuya so let's split up!!

Class 1A & Atsushi: Ok/Yes sir

So the gang splitter up to search for Chuuya but in nearly every room there was only piled up documents or trashed up office stuff or torture materials.

All hope was nearly lost when everyone gathered up and looked through the final door but luck would have it there was Chuuya but 2!?

All hope was nearly lost when everyone gathered up and looked through the final door but luck would have it there was Chuuya but 2!?

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(Both of the Chuuya's looked like this)

Atsushi: Oh god,

Izuku: Is that what they did when he was younger,

Dazai: Who knows.....


Dazai: Aw, sweet that u think I know everything but this is something I don't know, sorry can't help.

Momo: So what should we do??

Dazai: Simple, look for the one with more sorrow

Ochaco: I am officially confused,

Dazai: Simple the fake Chuuya may have the memories of real Chuuya but hasn't really felt those experiences but the real Chuuya has so trust your gut feeling

Bakugo: Ok that doesn't help us one single bit

Atsushi: I'm going to agree with Bakugo I don't understand either Dazai-Kun

Dazai: Then want me to do it then?

Everyone else except Dazai: Absolutely

Dazai:  No hesitation I see!~

Dazai the walked up to the right Chuuya and said something under his breath that no one could hear except Chuuya and slowly the lab crumbled and disappeared and what was left was Chuuya slowly waking up,

Chuuya: Huh? What the hell happened and where's Akutagawa??

Dazai: Sorry Chibi but we need to explain this really quickly


Dazai: Ok, ok calm down.

After explaining what happened cause I am well damn too lazy to explain it all ✨✨

Chuuya: Ah, ok I understand now let's go get Akutagawa

Izuku: Wait so are you not shocked in any way shape of form,

Chuuya: Nah not really this is actually understandable

Ochaco: ... didn't expect that not gonna lie

Momo: same

Dazai: Ok time to go!!!

Everyone left the final room to return to the white room they all started in, and what await3d them was the final door, the black door, the black door looked like the void, nothing worth anything yet so dull, unsatisfied and sad.

That door was Akutagawa's the final room or explore before finishing this hell ride, what would happen on this journey well....

To be continued.........

Hello everyone I would like to formally apologise for the very slow update since my break was over and I had to go back to what I was doing so I haven't had much time to update again but I hope you still liked the chapter!

Thank everyone for the support of this story and I hope you will keep enjoying this story till the very end! ('̀-'́)

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