✞ Bloodshed wherever you look ✞ Chap 22 ✞

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Akutagawa: Wow were tiger your not that very smart

Atsushi: >:0 Rude

Chuuya: Soo.... nobody is going to ask how he said that in a verbal conversation

Dazai: Nope

Izuku: No

Ochaco: Definitely Not

Todoroki: No

Bakugo: Nah

Momo: I prefer we don't

Atsushi: Fair enough

C!Akutagawa: So do you want to go the the end of this world or not

Ochaco: Oh we nearly forgot thank you small Aku

C!Aku: No problem but I think we should hurry up before the real one wakes up on their own

Atsushi: But isn't that a good thing????

C!Aku: No because if he wakes up on his own he will have to face a punishment from the gods

Izuku: Oh ok then let's go!!

The gang follows C!Aku, whilst walking they actually had to stop a lot because C!Aku lost his breath a lot due to the bid conditions of the air around him so Atsushi decided to give him a piggy back to save C!Aku from walking,

Atsushi was very surprised how light C!Aku was but remembered when he carried Akutagawa to catch up to the ability user that was harming the Agency's and the Port Mafia's boss (season 3 basically if I remember it correctly lol) Akutagawa was still very light for his age,

Momo: sorry for asking this but why is there lots of red spider lilies here?

Momo: sorry for asking this but why is there lots of red spider lilies here?

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(This flower if u don't know the name/plant)

C!Aku: Good question *cough cough* It kind of simplifies that my time Is short,

Dazai: Ok for once even o don't know what he means,

C!Aku: Exactly and I would prefer to keep out that way now please no more questions,

Bakugo: But you do realise that you didn't need to answer that question,

C!Aku: Can you shut up,

Atsushi: Feisty Akutagawa watch out, *giggles* *cause I don't know how ppl giggle*

C!Aku: God you all are annoying (except Dazai to Aku) This is why I don't talk to many of you,

Chuuya: Damn child Aku is more bitter than real Aku


everyone except c.aku: ........

C!Aku: Good now just follow the directions I give you,

The gang quietly followed C!Aku's directions but around every corner there was always a pile of bodies, around the first 5 corners Izuku asked if that was all the people that Akutagawa has killed but the answer was more gruesome, it was when he had to survive in the slums,

The next few bodies that they found was when he was first token into the Port Mafia and the rest was the present amount of body kills he has.

To be continued.....

Hello everyone I would like to apologise for the wait 🙇🙇

Next thing is that for Akutagawas past will not be cannon since we do not an official backstory for Akutagawa I will be using a type of theory with stuff from BSD Beast and hints and stuff like that from the anime and manga.

I will be repeating myself now THIS IS NOT CANNON!! I tried to ma,e the other backstories as cannon as they could be but without a proper backstory for Akutagawa this will not be cannon.

If there is any questions about this you can ask away! <3

Thank you for reading and I will see you all in the next chapter! <3

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