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It's been a few days since the incident, everybody tries their best to recover. Tang Yi glances at the calendar then lowers his gaze. Meng ShaoFei is busier and busier lately, Tang Yi couldn't expect his lover will remember what day is it today. When he is still busy with his mind, the door is knocked. 'Come in!' Tang Yi replied lazily.

'President...' Gu DaoYi's face is the one that popped up from behind the door.


'I'm sorry as it is a little bit sudden...But, I and HongYe have something to do this evening...' Gu DaoYi said reluctantly, 'If you don't mind...'

'It's okay...' Tang Yi replied, 'If you need to leave the office earlier, I don't mind...'

Gu DaoYi lifts his eyes to see the lonely eyes of Tang Yi, 'President...'

'I'm alright...' Tang Yi smiled.

'Alright then...Please excuse me...' Gu DaoYi bows slightly then leave the room.

Tang Yi sighs but he can not be greedy. ShaoFei is also an active member of society, no wonder if the man has something that he must do. Usually, there is Li DeLun who can distract his emptiness but now Li DeLun is in hospital. Tang Yi grabs a document and decides to drown himself in works.

The night is falling so quickly but there is still no news from ShaoFei. Even Tang Yi is annoyed, he decides to hold it and go home. When he got home, Tang Yi frowns as he feels there is something wrong with the house. The lamp is off as usual if there is no one at home, then where is Jason? It's not even nine o'clock yet. In a watchful stance, Tang Yi entered the house. When he turns on the lamp, he could hear many pops up and trumpet's voices.


Tang Yi turns his head out of surprise and is even more astonished when he sees everybody who stands there. Gu DaoYi and HongYe come without their baby, Jack and Zhao LiAn who stand behind Li DeLun's wheelchair, Andy and Steve, Jiang JinTang, the whole Li family, and the Wang family claps their hands together with extravagant birthday decorations. Tang Yi who never feels this overwhelming feeling can only gulp, happy, and tickled fill his warmed heart. Not long after, Meng ShaoFei pushes a trolley with a big birthday cake on it while everyone sings the happy birthday song.

Wang Huang lit up the candle on the cake, 'Come on...Make your wish, Ge...' He said with a wide smile. Really, at this moment, Tang Yi could no longer find the past haughty and annoying attitudes inside the young man. As Wang Huang said that, the other starts to shout the same. Tang Yi smiles and then clasps his two palms and closes his eyes to make a wish, then blows the candle and the people around him start to clap.

'Okay, now let's cut the cake!' Li YinZhuang shouted, 'Ah Fei...Where is the knife?'

'Here...Here...' Meng ShaoFei passed the knife.

'Who's get the first cut?' Li YinZhuang asked Tang Yi.

'How about Stanford's genius...' Tang Yi replied sarcastically, glanced at his elder cousin.

'Ah...That...' Jiang JinTang just remembered, 'Too genius to put his own life in danger many times...' He proceeds with an upset tone.

'And keep too many secrets...' Tang Yi added, 'Why I never know any of this?'

'Oh come on!' Li DeLun stands for himself, 'My curriculum vitae is kept perfectly in Shi Hai's human resources department...Besides, you already read it, Mr. President...'

'Well...I never know that you are the best graduate...' Tang Yi retorted.

'So you want to say that 4.686 GPA is effortlessly gained at Stanford?' Li DeLun asked sarcastically.

HISTORY3TRAPPED : THE HEDGE MAZE [FANFICTION]Where stories live. Discover now