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'Yes...Yes...' Tang GuoDong half runs to catch the ringing phone. His house caretaker informed him that Jiang LiPing called and will call again in the next fifteen minutes yet the man already called before five minutes even passed. 'What!?' He half-shouted.

'You better drag your ass here, Old Tang!' Jiang LiPing's voice sounds no less upset.

'What the hell happened so that I have to go there?' Tang GuoDong messaging his nose bridge.

'Take responsibility for your action!' Jiang LiPing shouted, 'Don't forget to bring Tang Yi with you!' He yelped before slamming the phone.

'What the hell?' Tang GuoDong frowns, not even understanding what kind of misdeed he did so that his best friend yelled at him in the early morning. Sighs, he shouts, 'Xiao Tang, get ready to go with me to the hospital!'

'Now?' The young Tang Yi asked.

'Yes, now...'



'What!?' Tang GuoDong opens Jiang LiPing's door abruptly in upset when he sees that the man has a guest, 'Oh, why told me to come in a hurry if you have a guest?' He shook his head, 'Let's go, Xiao Tang...'

'Where are you going?' Jiang LiPing asked when Tang GuoDong about to walk away.

'Wait for you outside. I don't want to scare your guest...' Tang GuoDong stopped.

'Why should I be scared of you, Mr. Tang?' The old man who sits in front of Jiang LiPing asked. His voice is so calm, spreading an unusual majestic aura even Tang GuoDong is influenced by the charm.

'Seems like you have every gut in the world, Mr. Whoever-you-are...' Tang GuoDong smiles, 'Maybe because you don't know who I am, I bet your enormous gall bladder will shrink as soon as you hear my livelihood...'

'Tang GuoDong, you better say nothing more!' Jiang LiPing interrupted.

'Why?' Tang GuoDong confused by his friend's attitude, 'It's not like there is something I should hide about myself. Everyone in Taiwan already knows who I am...Leader of the scariest mafia group, Xing Tian Meng...' He proceeds unrestrainedly.

'Tang...Guo...Dong...' Jiang LiPing lost his patience, 'I think you are old enough to be smacked on the head!'

'What's the matter with you?' Tang GuoDong can't hold his annoyed tone, 'You've been angry with me since on the phone. What did I do wrong?'

The elegant old man who keeps showing his back to Tang GuoDong finally broke into laughs, 'Well, Mr. Tang...Because you are so famous, may I ask you for some help?' He asked.

'You are the friend of my friend...So just tell me, what can I do for you?' Tang GuoDong smiles, sits beside the old man, ignoring Jiang LiPing who is now drowning his face on his palm.

'I look for someone who marries my daughter without my permission...'

'I see...' Tang GuoDong nodded, 'Tell me his name, I'll wring his neck to you...'

'Honestly, I don't know his name...'

'Then, tell me your daughter's name! I'll search for him...'

'My daughter's name is Wang JingYi...' The old man turns his face, 'My name is Wang JiaMing...' He said.

Tang GuoDong gulps, his body stiffened. As he heard the name, there is a chill ran along his spine. He glances at Jiang LiPing but his best friend pursed his lips, averting his gaze, and pretending not to know anything. 'Xiao Tang, wait for me outside...' Tang GuoDong said almost whispering.

HISTORY3TRAPPED : THE HEDGE MAZE [FANFICTION]Where stories live. Discover now