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When everybody looks around, they find a young man in his early twenties looks so handsome with his white skin and gallant nature. His figure is excellently fit without too much muscle tone. Meng ShaoFei tilts his head and tried to recall who is this guy when Li DeLun interrupts, 'Young Master Wang Huang. The main heir of Chai Jin Group.'

Everybody was shocked beyond words, who will think that one of Taiwan's largest companies successor appeared before them, knowing Meng ShaoFei for all the people. 'Lawyer Li still remembers me. I'm flattered...' The young man smiled confidently.

'Do we know each other?' Meng ShaoFei asked innocently.

'Captain Meng help me four years ago when a group of people kidnapped me. I bet Captain Meng can't remember, but I can't forget you. You are my hero.' Wang Huang admitted.

'Aahh...' Meng ShaoFei open his mouth as he recalled, 'So that boy is you?! You look so different now. That time you were so small and fragile but now, you look awesome!' He laughed while patting the boy's head in a big brother love.

Wang Huang smiled happily since Meng ShaoFei treats him nicely. 'I broke your watch at that time. I'm sorry...' Wang Huang seems regretted.

'Just an old watch, it's nothing compared to your safety. Besides, it's years ago already.' Meng ShaoFei talked cheerfully in his usual I'm-a-cop principle.

'Please let me make it up for you...' Wang Huang holds Meng ShaoFei's hand.

'No way! I can't accept any gift.' Meng ShaoFei waves his held hand to decline the offer, making Tang Yi smirks.

'But how bout that?' Wang Huang glanced at ShaoFei's shoes, 'I doubt that a mere police captain's salary can buy it.'

'Oh, this is a birthday present from my sister...' Meng ShaoFei answered, referring to Zuo HongYe. 'So it's okay...'

'So it's okay if it's family?' The refuse-to-lose Wang Huang insisted. 'Then let's be a family.' Everybody's eyes widen at the obvious invitation, it's unmistakable that the young man has a crush on ShaoFei. Li DeLun clasped Tang Yi's clenched fist before the ex-mob reverted to the mob-in-action.

'Hahaha...You are so foolish. You are the successor of a big company, why would you become my family? We can still be brothers without becoming a family.' Jiang JinTang and Andy almost flip when they heard ShaoFei's response, while the other holds their laughter. Someone's density should have a limit but ShaoFei's sincerity is seemed unlimited.

'ShaoFei...Can you get our car, let's go home!' Tang Yi cut the conversation, declaring his ownership of the police captain.

'Oh, okay...' Meng ShaoFei responded mindlessly, 'See you...' ShaoFei patted Wang Huang's shoulder and walk away. Wang Huang's eyes never leave ShaoFei's figure until the man no longer can be seen.

Jiang JinTang stands and walks over to the boy, 'Yo, kid! I suggest you not to play around with a married woman.'

'Mhm...Especially one with a ferocious husband.' Andy responded.

But Wang Huang smiled brightly, 'I know...' He said surprising everyone. 'I investigated Captain Meng already. Of course, I know that he is in a relationship presently.' He looks at Tang Yi like throwing a challenge, 'Even so, I will never resign.'

Gu DaoYi who realizes the upcoming disaster glance at his wife, 'Ah Yi...Sister-In-Law might be already waiting for you. Why don't you go outside?' Zuo HongYe quickly breaks the awkward atmosphere.

'President Tang.' Wang Huang's voice holds Tang Yi's steps. 'Four years ago, your relationship started after Captain Meng chased after you for four years...' Wang Huang stated his investigation result, 'I've been chased after him for four years too. I'm positive that in the next four years when I officially replace my father as the company's President, Captain Meng will stand beside me just like now he stands beside you.' He said confidently.

HISTORY3TRAPPED : THE HEDGE MAZE [FANFICTION]Where stories live. Discover now