Chapter 3: Leaving for a bit.

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Dabi POV:
"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?" We suddenly heard Kurogiri yell. I look behind Tomura, and Tomura gets up to look at Kurogiri standing infront one of the hallways. Kurogiri sighs, trying to stay as calm a possible. That must've been hard, there were blue flames almost everywhere, and a hole in the wall.

"Come on, we're gonna start cleaning up." He said flustered, yet calmly, Tomura gives me dirty look, I just role my eyes, not wanting to make anymore problems.


Tomura POV:
We were finally done cleaning up. No more hole in the wall. No more blue flames. We hadn't even noticed we broke some shot glasses along with beer and vodka, but that was now cleaned up as well.

"Geez that seemed like a fuss." We heard Toga say. "You were there the whole time and didn't help?" Dabi said while leaning against the counter. "Well why would I? I didn't want to clean up that heck of a mess." She said while crossing her arms. I noticed she was in some black shorts, and a checkered navy blue and white shirt, along with white vans. "Are you going somewhere today?" I asked while heading to the counter to get some water.

"Oh! Yeah, Twice and Kurogiri are taking me to get some room decorations~~!" She said while skipping to us, "Yes, we were going to take you too Dabi, but I prefer you stay here with Tomura so you two can try to get along." Kurogiri said while turning on the TV. "At least Compress and Megna will be here with us." I said, kinda muttering it out. "Oh no. Compress and Megna are going to get groceries." He snapped back, "WHAT!?" both me and Dabi shouted, "We're going to kill each other here." Dabi said, "As a matter of fact we almost did! And that's when YOU guys were around!" he stated.

It's true. If we almost killed one another with them here, who knows. Maybe they'll find one of us, or both of us dead. "If you guys aren't dead and I find a mess again, you guys will be dead when I'm done with the both of you." He said while reaching down to get a bottle of bear, giving it to Dabi. "Pfft, I would really try to get along with each other if I were you guys!" Toga said while laughing, and with that both Compress and Megna came out dressed and ready to go, as if they were listening in to our conversation.

Dabi POV:
"Okay, come on, let's go." Compress said as he finished buttoning his shirt. "Alright, go start both the cars." Kurogiri said while tossing a pair of keys each to Compress an Megna. They both went out the door, and then Toga put both her hands on the counter and lifted herself up, "Can I drive!?" she asked excitedly. Twice came out of his room. "No, I'm driving." He said almost making Toga fall of the counter, "Aw man..fineee." she said while groaning.

"Come on, let's go!" Magna shouted. "Alright we're gonna leave you guys alone for around 2 hours or more. Behave, and like I said, try and get along." he said, and with that Toga, Twice and Kurogiri left.

I looked over at Tomura, there was silence for around 2 minutes. Should I say something to break the silence? I think to myself, "Hey, wanna play some Mario Cart?" I ask. Stupid question, I don't even know what I was saying. I think to myself once again. "Sure. Why not." He responds. We head over to set up the nintendo, but then I see a certain someone on there. I just ignore it, and change the channel before we fully set it up.

I kinda want to watch a movie or a show. I think to myself. "Hey, want to watch a movie or some kind of show instead?" I ask. He looks over at me, and nods, grabbing another remote to the TV putting on netflix. "What about 13 reasons why?" He asks, I give him a nod, and he puts it on.

2 hours later

After watching 2 episode, (because each one it around 58 minutes long.) we just sit there for a bit. "Hey, why don't you help me figure out what I should do with my room?" I ask Tomura. "I don't see why not." He said as he got up from the couch.

Tomura POV:
We went to Dabi's room. All he had was a mattress, and some floorboards that seemed to be coming off. "You got any ideas on what colors you might want it to be?" I asked as I sat down. He looks around and shakes his head, "I think I might want to keep it black." Dabi responded.

I get up and ask, "What about some picture frames over there." I said pointing to my right. "Sure, that'd be a nice place to maybe pt a picture wall." he says. "Alright. I'm going to go get some water, and then go to my room." I said. I started heading to the door, but then tripping over a loose floorboard, falling forward, and taking Dabi with me.

A/N: Hello! I'm sorry for not posting yesterday, I went to my cousins house, and wasn't able to post. Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying, feel free to comment if you are! (Sorry for any bad grammar or misspells!) <3

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