Chapter 6: Let's pretend like nothing happened.

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Dabi POV:
I push Tomura away, getting it into my head what I had just done. "I sorry." I say, still in shock. Tomura walks up to me though, he wraps his hands around my lower back. "I didn't mind it." He said as he put his head on my shoulder, I didn't really know how to get out of this position, I didn't want to either.

All of a sudden we heard some knocking. "Hey Dabi. It's me Toga! Can you come with me to the store?" Toga! I thought to myself, at this point she's the closest I can get to getting out of this place I'm in. "Yeah, I'll be out there in a bit, let me just get my coat and some money." I say, "Alright! I'll be outside with Kurogiri!" she says, I push Tomura off. "Hey, come on just a bit more." Tomura groans, "I told Toga I'd go, so no I'm going. Plus I don't want her going to the store by herself." I say while I put on my coat and get some money.

Right as I'm about to head out, Tomura pins me down on the bed. "Bye." He says with a slight smirk on his face, I push him off and say, "I already said I'm sorry for kissing you Shigaraki. Now if it's not to much to ask..-" I cut myself off and sigh. "Can we just stay friends?" I say, and I can tell Tomura was shocked. "So..just pretend like none of this happened?" He asks, "Pretend like all thoes 'almost kiss' moments never happened. Yes." I look at him for a bit, and then head out.

"Toga come on let's go." I say ask I walk towards the door without her. "Hey! Wait for me!!" She yells as she follows me out the door. She hops on my back and i stumble forward. "What have I said about doing that without a warning?" I say a bit flustered, "Not to" she groans, I start walking with Toga still on my back, and out of nowhere she asks, "Hey, do you happen to miss home?" I stop walking. "As my best friend, I've already told you, to never ask thoes questions Toga." I say as I start walking again "Sorry.." Toga said in a sad tone. "It's fine..maybe I'll answer your question later, because if I answer it right now, 1 question is gonna lead to another." I say. "You know me so well!" She says excitedly while patting my head.

We got to the store, Toga hopped off my back, and I saw a boy with white a red hair. I go behind some kind of first aid section and crouch down a bit. The kid turns around, Shoto.. I think to myself. I imagine Toga recognized him, because next I know it she's infront of me and asks, "Hey isn't that your little brother?" I look at her raising up an eyebrow. "Right, no family relates questions asked!" She says while saluting to me. What the..? I think to myself, and she walks away without another word. I see that Shoto starts to pay and stand up, turn around so he won't see me, and pretend like I'm looking at things to buy. What am I doing? It's not like he's gonna recognize me. I think to myself, when I turn back around he isn't there.

"I could've said hi to him right now." I mutter to myself, "Alright! I'm ready to pay!" Toga says as the pops up behind me. Where the heck did she come from? I think to myself once again. "Oh! And I got you some soba, meiji, pocky, and an AriZona!" She said with a wide grin, and while showing me everything she got. "Well alright, let's go pay." I say.

"We're back!" Toga shouts as she hops off my back. "Didn't you guys go to the store like 20 minutes ago? The way to the store and back already takes around 10 minutes itself." Kurogiri says in shock. "I was carrying her most all the way there and back, and she's a very fast shopper I said as I grabbed the bags from Toga's hand and set them down on the counter, "I'll be right back, I'm going to go put my coat in my room." I say.

I head to my room, and hang up my coat. Right before as I'm about to head out I hear a knock on my door. I open it, and I saw Tomura leaning against the wall waiting for me to open the door. Before I can even say come in, he comes in himself, closes and locks the door behind him, and pushes me against the wall.

Here we go again..

A/N: Okay, so I just want to thank all my lovely readers for choosing my story! I really hope you guys are enjoying it! Sorry for any bad grammar o misspells! <3

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