Chapter 10: There, I said it.

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Dabi POV:
I look at Tomura and then softly push him away. "Tomura I-" he cuts me off, "Dabi..I want an answer." he says while grabbing his hair and walking forward a bit, trying not to get frustrated. "Yes, I like you Tomura." I say looking at him, he looks back at me. "You like me, but you didn't want to tell me sooner?" He asks as he walks up to me, "I don't know why I didn't tell you sooner Tomura, I was oddly scared." I respond starting to get stressed.

He hugs me tightly and holds my hand, and he doesn't let go, he rests his head on my shoulder, staying like that for about 1 minute. I push him away, but he's still holding my hand, I let go of his hand and say, "I'm going inside." he came right behind me and when I opened, I'm pretty sure we both wish we would've stayed near UA a little longer.

Toga POV:
"HEY-" I start, but before I can say another word I see Tomura and Dabi. Twice, Megna, and I just stand there looking at them, and they're just giving us weird looks, I mean..they did just come home to a pillow-toilet paper-silly string fight, so you can't blame them!

"What..happened in here?" Dabi asks. "Well you see-" Twice start but Megna cuts him off, "I don't think he actually was to know. Plus I think it's pretty obvious what happened while they were gone." Megna said as she looked around. "At least none of the rooms are trashed!" I say enthusiastically, both Tomura and Dabi walk in, still in shock.

"I'm going to my room.." Dabi said while looking around, while Twice, Megna, and I were just standing around as if this were an everyday thing..I kinda wish it was though, this was really fun! "Yeah..and I'm going somewhere that isn'" Tomura said as he went behind Dabi, possibly heading to Dabi's room or his own.

Tomura POV:
I see that Toga, Megna, and Twice start cleaning up, before heading to my room, I go to Dabi's room. I knock, "Come in." I hear Dabi say, I walk into his room, close the door, and lean against the wall. I don't think he knew it was me because he was putting something under his bed.

I knock on the door to see if he'd turn around. "I said come i-" He turns around and cuts himself off seeing that I was already inside. "What's up?" He asks as he turns on his TV and sits down on hi bed. "You just told me you liked me, like 5 minutes ago." I say as I sat down next to him. I look at him, and he looks at me, but then quickly looks back at the TV.

"Stop doing that." Dabi says kind of mumbling it out. "Stop doing what?" I ask while still looking at him. He looks at me, and pauses the TV, "Stop looking at me like that!" he said kind of flustered. "I'm sorry." I start, "But it's hard to look away when I'm looking at you and your beauty." I say as I put my hand on top of his.

"Go look at a dead bird, I can guarantee that it'll have more beauty in it then me." He says as he grabs his video game controller. I took it from his hand and put it down, "Tomura, can you just get out please?" he asks, "You are beautiful, and nothing and no one in this world can change my mind." I say with tears slightly filling my eyes. I couldn't stand hearing him say things like that about himself. I can tell he's in shock, and then just looks away.

I hug him, pushing him down on the bed. Tears start falling down my face, and Dabi hugs me back. "You idiot. Don't cry." He says while looking away, "Then don't say horrible things about yourself." I say as my forehead touched his. Dabi leaned in and kissed me, and I kissed him back.

Now that I've got him, I'm not letting him go.

A/N: This is not the last chapter, but if I do say so myself, I wrote some parts that were adorably cringe. Anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying, and sort for any bad grammar or misspells! <3

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