Chapter 8: Can I get an answer?

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Dabi POV:
Once again..I'm in shock, not knowing what to say. "Tomura." I say, he starts staring into my eyes again. I hate it when he does this. I think to myself, "Yes?" he said while running his fingers along my hair. I thought about changing the subject, "Can we go to UA tomorrow?" I ask. He stops stroking my hair, and smiles. "Sure thing." He says as he lets go of my hand and sits on the counter.

"Thank you." I say with almost tears in my eyes. I saw him earlier today, but didn't have the courage to go up to him, at least now Tomura would be there to push me to talk to to him. "I'm getting tired, I'm heading of to bed. Goodnight Tomura." I say heading to my room, "Dabi wait!" Tomura says, trying not to raise his voice to much. He grabs my arm, and that leading to him hugging my lower back. He looks at me a smiles, and with that he kisses me on the cheek and let's me go. "Goodnight." He said as he was heading back to sit down on a bar stool. That was unexpected..

In the morning, 6:58am

"Dabi, are you ready to go?" Tomura asks as he walks into my room. "Next time can you please knock?" I say as I finish putting on my shoes, "Right. Sorry about that." He says as he scratches the back of his head. "It's fine, but yes, now im ready to go." I say as I get up from my bed, we head out to the main room, where we see Toga coming back from a store I'm guessing.

"Toga!" I say, trying not to raise my voice too much. "Sorry, but I really needed to buy him some food!" She points out while holding some grocery bags and her kitty. I look at her for a bit, but then say, "Alright, but next time I want you to tell me when you're going out. Okay?" She nods, it's as if I had just gotten mad at a child.

"Alright, me and Tomura are heading to UA-" Toga cuts me off, "UA!? Really!?" She says excitedly. "Yes Toga. I'm going to go see Shoto." I say meanwhile Tomura was in shock that Toga knew. "I want to go, but it's probably best if I don't. Plus I need to take care of this cute kitty!" She says while scratching the kitty's chin. "Alright, come on Tomura." I say, "Wait! When you're back make sure to tell me everything that happened!" She said, I nodded and then we headed out.

On our way to UA, Tomura asks, "How did Toga know about Shoto?" I just look at him, then I look at where I'm walking. "She was the closest thing I had to a sister, so she's someone I trusted, and still trust the most." I say, "I just haven't come with her because..well Toga is Toga." I say while scratching my head.

Tomura starts laughing, and I smile at him. Next thing I knew he was holding my hand again. When I tell you I have never felt the way I'm feeling right now, it'd probably be hard to believe, considering it kinda seems like I don't like him.

But trust me..I really do.

A/N: I can never end one without an authors note, so I hope you guys are enjoying, and I'm sorry for any bad grammar or misspells! <3 By the way, what do you think is gonna happen on the next chapter? (For some reason I'd sounds like something Dora would say..)

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