Chapter 11: Seeing him.

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Dabi POV:
Both me and Tomura had fallen asleep, and we hadn't even notice until we woke up to the rising sun. Tomura was on top of me, I pat his head, when I hear Toga yell from outside, "DABI!" I get startled and start to shake Tomura. "Hm..?" He groans. "Toga's calling me. If I don't go out she might come in here."

He looks up at me and raises and eyebrow, "And?" he mutters out. "We're talking about Toga, Tomura." I respond, he gets up quickly, and bringing me up with him. That was rather fast. I think to myself, "I'll go outside, and When she's not looking, you can go to your room." I say, and with that I head out.

"Yes Toga?" I said while walking towards her. "Can I go out to the store?" She asks with a big smile on he face, "What for?" I ask as Tomura came out of his room. "Good morning Handyman!" She said while slightly tipping over, looking to my side. "Good morning." Tomura said, "Anyways" Toga started, "I want to go to the store to buy TOYA some food!" she said while looking at me.

"Toya?" I said in shock, "Where'd you get that name from?" Tomura asks he got a glass of water. "Oh! It just came into my head, but I'm not going to name him that, it doesn't suit him." She responded as she looked at me with a wide smile. Once Tomura looked away I hit her on the head, "Ow!" she says quietly, "Don't say my real name infront of people." I whisper in a serious tone. Toga sighs and nods, "Anyways can I go to the store or not? You told me to tell you when I wanted to go out!"

"Yes you can go Toga." I said as I sighed, "Yay! Okay I'll see you guys in about...20..30? I dunno, I'll see you guys in a bit!" She said as she walked towards the door with her cat. "Make sure to text me when you get there." I say right before she leaves, "Okay got it." she says as she opens the door and skips away.

"So we're just going to keep this a secret for now, right?" Tomura asks, "Keep what a secret?" Compress asks as he came out of his room. "Nothing." Tomura says as he grabbed an apple, "What are you guys hidding?" Compress asks. My phone buzzes, and while Tomura is telling Compress that we're hidding nothing I look at the message I got.

New message from Shoto.

Hey Toya can we meet at the the cafe?

Sure what cafe?

Uh..I'm not sure, Starbucks?

*A/N: First thing that came to mind, plus I want coffee..*

Sure, why not.

Okay, I'll see you in 15 minutes?

Mhm, bye Shoto.

I put my phone back in my pocket, "I'm going out." I said as I headed towards the door. "Alright be safe kid." I nod, "Bye Dabi." I heard Tomura say, "Bye." I said as I opened the door and left.

On my way to he cafe I ran into Toga, she was running towards me. "I saw Endeavor" Toga said out of breath, "Endeavor!? Where was he heading!?" I asked, "Eh-?..Oh!..He was heading to Starbucks, he was actually walking in there when I started running." she said trying to stand up straight. Shoto is probably already over there.. I think to myself, I started running as fast as I could, and I put on my hoodie as I ran, and held it so it wouldn't fall off.

"Dabi!!" Toga shouted as she ran after me, and in a split second she was already behind me. "Toga go back!" I say as we both kept running, "No! I'm- I'm going to help way or another!" she said running out of breath, I stopped, "What's wrong? Come on let's go!" she said as she pulled my arm. I picked her up and started running again, "I'm not going to let you pass out or get dehydrated." I said as we got closer to the cafe.

*A/N: True friendship right there*

I put Toga down just as we got closer to the cafe, "Put your hood on or something." I say just as we're about to enter. Toga put on her hood on, just leaving her eyes to look at. We enter and I see Endeavor talking to Shoto, more like trying not to raise his voice at him. I do the same thing Toga did, and pull the strings on my hood only leaving my eyes to show. I start walking over to both Shoto and Endeavor, "Hey Shoto, right?" I say, I can tell he recognized my voice and the color of my eye. "Yes that's-" He stated but then Endeavor cut him off, "Who are you, and what do you want from my son?" I roll my eyes, "It's as if he ever your only son." I mutter.

I can tell he didn't hear me, but I don't repeat myself. Shoto stands up from where he was sitting, "Shoto, do you mind coming with me?" I say while ignoring that Endeavor is still with us. "No. He can not go with you. He has some training to do today." Endeavor said as he stood up, "I wasn't asking you. I was asking Shoto." I say. He looks mad, and right as he was about to say something I stop him. "Didn't your mother ever teach you not to butt in, in other people's conversations?" I say, he just stands there like an idiot.

"Do you know wh-" I cut him off, "Toga get on my back." I say while looking back at her, and now with a coffee in her hand. "What? It's good." She said as she hopped on my back. "Shoto, would you like to come with me?" I ask once again, "He will not be going anywhere with a stranger!" Endeavor said while slightly raising his voice. Damn can he get anymore annoying. I think to myself.

Without saying another word I grab Shoto's hand and start taking him out of the cafe. "YOUNG MAN!" We hear Endeavor yell, "Oh by the way, I really hope you were going to say number two hero earlier, and not number one." I say while chuckling. He just stands there staring and me.

"Alright. Let's go." I say while once again grabbing Shoto's hand and started running.

A/N: Hello! I know I haven't posted in a while, and I'm sorry about that, I've been pretty busy. But I hope you guys are enjoying! Sorry for any bad grammar of misspells! <3

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