Chapter 5: Why don't we talk.

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Tomura POV:

3 days later

I was helping Toga decorate her room "Thanks Handyman!" Toga exclaimed. "So that's it for today?" I asked "Nope, just done for right now." she said, "Okay, well then I'm not gonna be around until tomorrow, by Toga!" And with that I left the room.

"GOD DAMMIT!" I heard Dabi yell just as I was about to enter my room. What the heck? I think to myself, I knock on Dabi's door, "Hey Dabi, can I come in?" I ask leaning against Dabi's door. "..Sure, just give me a second." Give him a second.. something is definitely up. I open the door.

I catch Dabi whipping tears off his face. "Hey! I said to give me a second!" He shouted at me, possibly trying to hold back more tears. I closed the door softly, "Are you okay?" I ask quietly. He looks over at me, I look up to the ceiling and sigh "Look if you don't wa-" I get stopped when Dabi gives me a hug, kind of scratching my back. God he must feel awful.. I think to myself. "Hey, do you want to talk about it?" I asked while rubbing his back.

"You know who Endeavor is right?" Dabi asks, "Are you kidding me!?" I start, I think I startled him a bit. "I wish I didn't!" I said while laughing, he gives me a smile. God why! I think to myself, "Well he's my father." wow..just like that. "You're kidding?" I ask in a serious tone, "Look! I don't like him! At all! He's the damn worst." He says while looking down at his hands. "Then..?" I ask, "I ran away from home because of him. Leaving my siblings behind.." he said. "My little siblings.." I stand there in shock, still not being able to believe what I'm hearing. "GOD IM SUCH A DAMN COWARD!" Dabi said while getting up and punched the wall. "Hey, hey! You're not a coward. No one would be able to live with that bastard.." I said.

I felt Dabi crying into my shoulder. "I could've just stayed and protected my siblings.." I couldn't stand hearing him say that. "I didn't even tell them I left in person, just a damn note." He told me, God I hope I don't regret this. "What if we try visiting at least one of your brothers." he lifted his head up from my shoulder. "Are you being serious!?" He asked me, "Nope. You're brother..Todoroki was it? He goes to UA, whenever you'd like like, and we can just wait for him outside." I say.

He hugs me tightly. "Hey want help decorating your room?" I ask Dabi, trying to break the ice a bit. "Oh yeah..I just need a couple more things." He said "Alright, let's finish up your room then." I say.

2 hours later

Dabi POV:
"That took longer then expected." I say, "That's mainly because we were stopping just to watch Netflix." Tomura responded. "Right, well thanks for the help Tomura." I say, The awkward silence again..oh geez. I think to myself.

He starts walking my way. He's gonna push me against the wall again isn't he? I start thinking to myself. So before he can, I go in for a hug, but trip over myself, subliming forward. "Woah, you okay?" Tomura asks helping me stand up, "Yeah I'm good." I say, and without thinking twice I enter in panic, get lost in his eyes, hang my arms over his neck and kiss him.

"I-I'm sorry I thought we were gonna push m against the wall, a-and I got panicked-" He cut me off, "I was just going to head out." He said while laughing. "But..that was better."

A/N: I know this is my third post on this story today, but I decided, why not! Anyways feel free to comment if you're enjoying the story! Sorry for any bad grammar or misspells! <3

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