Chapter 15: Forever and always my love.

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Dabi POV:
I didn't know what to say-..I was nervous, and oddly scared. "He's..-" Tomura started, but I cut him off, "My brother. Shoto Todoroki is my little brother." I said as I looked at Kurogiri nervously.

Kurogiri just looked at us and started to laugh, we all looked at one another in confusion. "I know." He said still laughing and cleaning the counters, "Wait- how!?!" Toga said as she walked in front of all of us putting her hands on her hips.

"How? I need to keep up with all of you children here, or else this place would be in the dumps." Kurogiri responded as he put the rag away. "Well that's not very nice." Toga said pouting and crossing her arms like a child. "Wait,'d you find out?" Tomura asked as he walked up to the counter.

"Oh, maybe it was my multiple times i would hear you guys talking with him, or maybe that one time I saw Tomura taking him to your room Dabi." Kurogiri said as he went and sat down on a stool. "So you made us think you were mad at us-..for nothing?" I said slightly flustered, "No, it was for you guys to never keep things from me, it was more of a mini lesson."

"Wait so you know like..everything that's going on around here?" Toga asked as she hopped on the counter. "Yes." Kurogiri responded, as he got up. "So you even know Dabi and Handyman are dating!?"

"TOGA!" Both Tomura and I shouted, "Yes, that too." Kurogiri said laughing, and walked over to Tomura. "Did you think I'd be mad or something?" Kurogiri said with a laugh as he patted Tomura's head, "Kind of.." Tomura mumbled out.

Kurogiri hugged Tomura, "You should know that I'm always going to support you, and stick by your side." Tomura quickly hugged him back, "I'm always going to be here for all of you kids." He said with great pride.

"Including Shoto? Because he kinda has to stay with us, because he can't stay with Endeavor anymore?" Toga said rapidly as her voice each time kept getting more high-pitched. Kurogiri looked at Tomura and I and said, "Well Tomura, can he?" Tomura smiled. "Of course Shoto can stay." He said as he grabbed my hand.

"Oh and don't worry about having to tell the others, I've already told them." Kurogiri said as he walked away. "Wait..wha-" I said, but was cut off my Kurogiri, "Yes, you heard me correctly, now if you'll excuse me, I'm heading off to bed." He said walking to his room.

"Well that was-" Tomura started, "A big relief!" Toga said finishing the sentence. Shoto pulled me by my arm and hugged me, "Thank you." he said looking and me, Tomura, then at Toga, and then at me again.

"No need to thank us Shoto." Tomura said with a smile, "Yeah, and don't worry, I'll be making sure you go to school everyday, and you get enough attention from me." I said as I nuzzled his hair. "Yeah, plus, maybe we Can even be roomies!" Toga said jumping off the counter, and pulling Shoto away from me.

"That would be awesome!" Shoto said with a smile, Tomura and I looked at each other. "I'll get the inflatable mattress." Tomura said walking towards a closet full of junk, "I'll get the pillows and blankets." I said heading towards some cabinets.


Tomura POV:
"That movie was pretty boring." Dabi said as he opened the door to his room, and leaning on the doorway. "Come on, it wasn't that bad." I said opening my door, doing the same thing.

"A killer doll, who ends up 'dying' in the end, for there to be another 7 movies, for the same thing to keep happening over and over again?" Dabi said raising an eyebrow sounding irritated.
A/N: Yes I am talking about Chucky, and this was just apart of me being random in a story, please don't come after me, I love Chucky :,)
" don't know that's what the rest of the movies will be like." I said, "Well they'll all have the same concept, that's for sure." he said rolling his eyes, "Well get used to it, cause we're gonna watch all seven movies with them." I said laughing as I went up to him, holding his chin up.

" we have to?" Dabi groaned, "No, but it'd be nice to bond with them." I responded with a smile. "I guess, but there's other ways we could all bond." He said as he walked into his room, and threw himself on the bed.

"They seemed to enjoy it, so let's just stick with that." I said closing the door, and walking over to Dabi, sitting down next to him. He sat up and put his head on my shoulder, "Plus, it gives me an excuse to cuddle with you for more then and hour." I whispered to him with a smile, and he chuckled as he looked down to the ground, removing his head from my shoulder.

"You can always ask me for cuddles, dumbass." He said smiling, "Then-..can I have cuddles?" I said as I got up, now just kneeling down in front of him. He rolled his eyes, and started laughing. "Sure." I got up, and tackled him down on the bed, and we made ourselves comfy.


I had been watching Dabi on his phone for around 40 minutes now, and we had just been talking the whole time. He out his phone down, and looked at me. "You know, I honestly can't believe I actually ended up with you." He said, as he was fidgeting with his hand.

"Why do you say that?" I ask starting to stroke his hair, "We wanted to kill each other, when we first met." he said chuckling, I let out a small laugh, "Yeah, and look at us now." I said smiling.

"Two dumbasses in love." Dabi laughing, I started laughing too, "Out of all people..I never thought I'd be you who'd be making me smile so much, or giving me butterflies every time we're together." he said looking at me, he kissed me, and I had never felt so much joy in my life.

"I love you so much!" I said nuzzling my head into his hair and hugging him tightly.
He smiled.
And he whispered to me;
"I love you too idiot."

A/N: Hi-hi! I can't believe I'm don't with my first ever story! Sorry if it wasn't the best ending, but I personally liked it, and thank you for sticking along with me on this wonderful making! I honestly felt like I had the biggest support from MayaFromPurpleHouse and finntheboxman , thank you guys so much for all the love support, you guys were my inspiration to keep on going with this story! Also thank you to everyone who has also read the story! I will also be posting book 2, this is not a T.B.C book, so the second book I'm writing, you don't have to read on anything, but if you want to, you can stick around for that! The 2nd book will be a TodoDeku book, and the only connection it has with this book is that it's in the same AU! I hope you guys all enjoyed, sorry for any misspells or bad grammar!

This is me, signing off!<3

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