Chapter 12: Don't go.

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A/N: Sorry for not posting, I've been busy with school lately (even thought at the time I'm posting this I'm on summer break!) and just a bunch of things have been happening, but I will try to post more. Anyways, enjoy!

Dabi POV:
Endeavor started chasing us. God damn it, does he ever give up? "HEY LET GO OLD MAN!!" Toga shouted, I looked back and saw that Endeavor was pulling on Toga's hood, almost pulling her off my back. "LET GO OF HER!" I shout as I turn around with my hood falling off my head, and blasted blue flames in front of him.

He seemed to be in shock when he saw the blue flames. "Fuck." I mutter out, knowing he recognized my quirk. "Lets go!" Shoto said as he grabbed my hand, and pulled me.

I had brought Shoto back home, and before going in he looked rather excited to see the place. "This place looks so cool!" He said as his eyes were sparkling as he was looking at our home. "Don't be shyyy, go inside!" Toga said with a wide smile, Shoto looked at me, and I smiled and nodded. He ran inside, and I followed him.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I hear Twice yell as we enter. Twice had Shoto pinned against the wall and he was choking him. "TWICE LET HIM GO!" Tomura said as he tackled Twice from behind pinning him down on the floor. "Woahh.." Toga said as she got off my back. I ran over to Shoto and hugged him as he was now on the ground "TOMURA HE'S ENDEAVORS KID!" Twice said while trying to take Tomura off of him. "He's my brother." I said while helping Shoto up.

Twice looked at me in shock, and Tomura let him go. "He's YOUR brother!?" Twice said in disbelief, "Did you not just hear him idiot?" Tomura said as he rubbed his head. "So you' of Endeavors kids?" He asked still shocked, I nodded my head slightly, "I know what you're gonna do Twice, and don't even think about trying to tackle Dabi." Tomura said while giving him a death stare. Twice looked at him and sighed, "Why didn't you tell us Dabi?" Twice asked in angered tone. Right as I was about to answer Todoroki answers first, "Because he didn't have to tell you.." he muttered out. Twice quickly looked over at Shoto, and Tomura quickly looked at Twice, and then at Shoto and I.

"LOOK HERE YOU BRAT-" Twice said as he walked over, but Tomura grabbed him by the arm before he could get any closer. "Don't get any closer to them until you've calmed down." Tomura said slightly pushing him back. "Do you think it's something to be proud of?" Shoto said as he went behind me, "Being Endeavors son is something to be ashamed of. Ashamed of to the point where you want to tell someone "Oh no, I don't even know who he is." he didn't tell you because he doesn't want anyone knowing he's related to that monster." Shoto said, gripping on to my shirt, probably feeling anxious.

"Are you okay?" Toga asks as she pops up behind Shoto's shoulder. He slightly jumps and flinched, he looks back at her and nods, but then quickly goes infront of me quickly hugging me. "Are you always like this?" I whisper to him, "No, this is just..out of the ordinary." He whispers back. "Okay can somone explain!?" Twice asks groaning, "Yeah, yeah I'll tell you what's happening." I say slightly rolling my eyes.

Tomura POV:
After Dabi is done explaining, Shoto is already asleep on his chest. "You're not gonna tell anyone else about this, right Twice?" Dabi asks, "My lips are sealed." Twice said as he "zipped" his lips closed. "Wait shouldn't you guys hide you guys do realize-" Toga starts but then Kurogiri comes in, cutting Toga off. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" He asks as he walks towards the bar. Twice, Toga, and I quickly cover Dabi up, making a wall around him. "Nothing we were just about to watch a movie!" Twice said as he headed over to distract Kurogiri, "Kurogiri and the rest are still here.." Toga groned finishing her statement from earlier.

I pick up Shoto and start carrying him to Dabi's room. Dabi was walking behind me, trying to cover up Shoto a bit more. I place him down on Dabi's bed, and just before I can leave I hear him mutter out, "Thank you." I look over a him and smile. I walk up to him slightly holding his chin up and kissing him. "Alright, we should probably head out now." I say, he nods and we start heading out of his room, and he locks the door before we go to the main room. "There you guys are." Kurogiri said as he greeted us with a wave, "What were you guys doing in Dabi's room?" Toga asks while spinning in her chair. "Probably making out or something." Twice said while laughing, "Twice why would you get that into my head!?" Toga shouted as she stopped spinning on her chair.

Both me and Dabi looked at each other, "I was kidding it's called a joke!" Twice shouted back. "It's a weird joke." Toga said whole pouting and making an angry face like a child. "I'm sorry.." Twice said while patting Toga on the back. "Are you guys trying to act out a movie or something?" Dabi said while raising an eyebrow, "Maybe.." Toga said with a wide grin on her face, while rocking back and forth. Kurogiri was just laughing at the things they were saying, "Hey Kurogiri can you come with me to the store? I need to get Mochi food." Toga said while jumping onto the counter.

"Mochi?" Tiwice repeated, "Mochi!" Toga said again with a big smile. "So you finally decided on a name." Dabi said as he walking over to the counter, "Yes, I finally did!" Toga said as she picked up the kitten and twirled herself with Mochi. "Toga please get down from the counter." Kurogiri said while laughing at the fact how Toga was acting. "Okay, but can you come to the store with me?" Toga groaned, "Okay fine, just go get some money, and we can head out right now." Kurogiri said as he was cleaning the counter. Toga squealed and went to get her money, "Hey can you give me a beer Kurogiri?" Dabi asked while sitting on a stool. "Yeah sure." Kurogiri said as he gave Dabi a beer, "Don't you think it's to early to be drinking a beer?" I ask while raising an eyebrow, "It's fine, it's just a little alcohol." Dabi responds.

Toga comes out and says, "I'm ready to go!!" Kurogiri puts down the rag he was cleaning with and says, "Okay let's go. Don't burn this place down while we're gone." Kurogiri says while making hand gestures, as Toga and him headed out the door. Dabi puts down his beer bottle and runs to his room, and I run after him.

Dabi POV:
I run into my room and quickly open the door to make sure Shoto was okay. He wasn't on the bed and I start looking around my room nervously, but still not fully inside. I find him cradled in the corner of my room. Tomura comes right behind, and I run up to hug Shoto, knowing he was terrified. "Are you okay?" I say while moving his hair out of his face. "I'm okay.." He said while clearing his throat, I hug him tighter and he cries into my chest. "It felt as if mom and dad were yelling at each other again, and you guys were trying to keep me distracted." He said as he gripped onto my shirt.

My heart felt as if it had just dropped. I rubbed his back as tears filled my eyes. Tomura walked over to us and just sat down next to us. Shoto looked at him and let go of me to get something from his pocket. "Want some chapstick?" He said as he pulled out a chapstick, I started laughing and Shigaraki just looked at him slightly flustered. He grabbed the chapstick from Shoto's hand and threw it out an open window.

Shoto looked back at the window, "You owe me one dollar and twenty-six cents!" Shoto said as he crossed his arm. Tomura rolled his eyes but smiled, "Is he your boyfriend?" Shoto asks slightly tilting his head. "Well-" I start but Tomura cuts me off, "I haven't really asked him yet." Tomura said while smirking at me. "Okay, I don't mean to be dramatic or anything, but if you guys are going to keep flirting can you go to another room or something?" Shoto said as he scratched his head. "Yeah, don't worry about that." I mumble out, "Hm..alright." Shoto says as he gets up.

"You hungry?" Tomura asks Shoto as he helps me up. "Well-" Shoto started, but then he cut himself off, "I should actually get going, dad might send out cops to look for his 'perfect child'." Shoto said as he headed towards the door. "Wait Shoto!" I said while grabbing his arm, "Why don't you stay here? He can't be that worried." I said, he looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "You technically kidnapped me." he said, "I don't want to cause you any problems, dad might have already gotten an idea of who you are.." he said. "Well you know, other then being apart of the L.O.V."

"I don't care if he knows who I am." I groaned, "Well I do, he's probably going to keep me apart from you or something, so it's best if I leave right now." he said while patting my head. "Fine. But text me when you get home." I said as I hugged him, "Got it." he said while hugging me back and, and then left.

Tomura walked up to me and hugged me from behind, "He's going to see you again soon so don't worry about it." He said while slightly squeezing me. "I hope so." I said as I sighed.

Knowing Endeavor, he might even lock Shoto up in his room for as long as he can.

A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed, once again sorry for not posting as much, I'll try my best to be more active, sorry if this chapter didn't make the most sense, I've been working on it for like 3 weeks now and I just got out of school last week. But anyways, I hoe you enjoyed, and sorry for any spelling mistakes or bad grammar! <3

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