Chapter 9: Tell me.

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Dabi POV:
We keep walking with Tomura still holding my hand. I let go, and so he won't try to grab it again or ask why I let go, I say something instead, "When was the last you guys went to UA?" Tomura keeps looking forward, and then looks at me. "It's actually been there in a while, the last time we went, we almost lost Twice."

We keep walking, but we're both quiet throughout most of the way. "Hey, hop on my back." Tomura says while crouching down a bit. "And why would I do that?" I ask as I keep walking forward, but he ran up to me, and carried me. "TOMURA!" I shout, but he just ignores me and starts running, there's a red light and a bunch of cars infront of the light. He runs and jumps from cars to car, and he keeps running for about 30 more seconds.

He sets me down and starts laughing, I hit him on the head and say, "You idiot." He looks at me and keeps laughing. "Come on, I do that almost every time I come go get groceries or some shit" I just role my eyes and keep walking, and before we know it, we're at UA.

"What time is it?" I ask "Almost 7:25." Tomura says, we just look at each other and stand..saying nothing. "Hey..isn't that your brother? Over there sitting on the bench?" Tomura asked, I look over at the bench Tomura was talking about.

"SHOTO!" I yell out in excitement, I hug him from behind, and as soon as he turns around he pushed me away. "Who are you!?" He asks startled, "It's me-" I cut myself off before I can say Toya, Tomura was still here, and I didn't want him to hear what my real name was. I remeber something we used to when we were little, so instead of saying my name, I was going to tell him, hoping he'd know it's me.

"You're who?" He asks, I look at Tomura, "Tell him Dabi." he says, "TOMURA SHIG-" before he can say anything else, I put my and over his mouth, "Remeber when we were little and would would always ask me to to get pinecones on fire so you can set them off with right side!?" I say rushed while panicking. He seemed to be I shock, couldn't believe what had just come out of my mouth.

I slowly put my hand down from his mouth, "Why? I have no clue, but you loved it. You'd always want both Fuyumi and Natsuo to see, and it was awesome because it's one of the only times we'd see you smile." I say while smiling. Tears fill his eyes, and hugs me. I felt like I couldn't breathe but I didn't give a damn, I hugged him back  and stroked his hair. "You're okay.." he says with a sad yet happy tone.

"We've missed you so much T-" before he can say my name I cover his mouth pushing him away from the hug. I raise and eyebrow, I can tell he remembers what Tomura called me earlier, "Dabi..we missed you a lot." He said while smiling, trying to stay clam around Tomura's presence. I notice that he's worried, "Don't worry, he wot hurt you." I say while ruffling his hair.

He smiles and says, "Hey! You should come see Fuyumi, Natsuo, mom-" he stops himself, "I would say dad..but at this point is he really considered a dad?..Or a person?" He says, I start laughing, Shoto hugs me again, and I look at Tomura, "Thank you." I whisper to Tomura and he smiles.

Some time passes by, "Hey, I'm pretty sure school's about to start we probably go." Tomura says. "Alright, let's go." I say slightly upset, but happy that I got to talk to Shoto. "WAIT!" He says while taking out his phone. "Before you go give me your number, maybe we can have coffee with Fuyumi and Natsuo!" He says with tears in his eyes.

I take his phone, "Alright, but just don't cry. We're gonna see each other again soon." I say, and give him his phone back. He smiles and jumps into my arms. I hug him tightly, "This is sweet and all, but I really think we should go Dabi." Tomura says. Shoto lets go, and smiles one more time and waves at me as Tomura and I starts walking.

Once we're just a bit away from home, Tomura stops. "Are you okay?" I ask, Tomura looks at me and grabs my arm. He pulls me by my arm, and hugs my lower back. "You never answered me." He said as his forehead touched mine.

He looks at me, I slightly look away, but then he catches me by surprise when he kisses me. He slightly leans back, "Do you like me?"

A/N: Yes, a wonderful- mini cliffhanger! I hope you guys are enjoying! Sorry for any bad grammar and misspells! <3 And I ask again, what do you think is going to happen next?

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