Chapter 7: Enough.

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Dabi POV:
"Tomura. I thought we agreed in not doing this anymore!" I silently yell at him, not wanting anyone outside to hear. "No.." He said seriously as he slightly leaned closer. "You said you wanted to pretend like all that 'almost kiss' stuff never happened. I never agreed to that, and you never said anything about not doing this." He said as he was leaning in closer by the second.

Just as he was about to kiss me, I put my hand in between our lips. "Tomura." I said while pushing his face away. He groans and says, "So you really don't like me back?" he asked while staring right into my eyes. I look away knowing that I'd probably give in. Did he just say "like me back"? I think to myself. "Did you just say-" I start to ask but he cuts me off. "Mhm." did I not notice? I thought he was just messing with me or something. "Tomura-" I get cut off..again, but not by Tomura.

Tomura POV:
"AHHHH!" Both Dabi and I hear Toga scream. Dabi runs outside, and I run behind him. "THIS IS THE CUTEST THING EVER!!" What in the world- "A cat." Dabi said in shock. "A KITTY! IT'S SO TINY!" Damn.. I'm pretty sure my ear drums just burst. I think to myself while rubbing my ear. Dabi walks up to Toga, and holds the Kitty. And there he goes, why must he be so-...gah! I think to myself. "It's a he, and he's absolutely adorable." Dabi said while scratching the kitty's chin.

"Can we keep him Kurogiri!? Can we!?" Toga says in excitement while pouting like a child. "Why don't you guys ask Shigaraki?" Kurogiri asks, "Well you're kinda like Tomura's dad." Dabi said while chuckling a bit, I role my eyes, and look at Kurogiri and nod, technically saying that it was up to him.

"Yeah sure." Kurogiri said with a smile. "Yay!!!" Toga squealed out as she took the kitty from Dabi's hand and sat down. We all sit down on the bar stools as Compress and Kurogiri gave us dinner. "Looks good." Dabi says and smiles at both Kurogiri and Compress. Mh..cute smile. I think to myself, "Yeah it looks delicious, and smells really good too!" Twice exclaims.

I see Dabi next to me, I look at his hand that's under the counter, and grab it, both our hands still under the counter. I look at Dabi and slightly squeeze it, and smile at him. He sits there for a while, takes a bite of his food then lets go of my hand. "Tomura. Not now." He whispers, "Did you say something Dabi?" Toga asked while getting up to sit next to him. "Oh, no. I was just muttering things to myself." He said while smiling and petting the kitty.

1 hour later

Dabi POV:
"Thanks Kurogiri and Compress. Dinner was amazing." I say as I finish washing the last dish. "Thank you." They both say, "Well I'm off to help Toga with her room, and Compress is going to bed." Kurogiri said, "Alright. Bye." Tomura said while heading my way.

Oh god..what now? I think to myself. "So about earlier.." Tomura said as he grabbed my hand, he turns off the sink water and leans in a bit. Is he ever going to stop doing this? In the most sad sincere tone, he asks. "Do you like me back?"

A/N: Question! What do you think Dabi is going to answer, and what do you want him to answer and why? Feel free to comment, and I hope you guys are enjoying! Sorry for any bad grammar or misspells! <3

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