Chapter 13: The little things.

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A/N: Hello again! I just wanted to point out, that the picture above shows what both of them are wearing! Anyways, I hope you enjoy! <3

5 days later.

Tomura POV:
How. I think to myself, pacing back and fourth scratching the back of my head. "Hello!" Toga says peeking her head into my room, I jump. "Oh, it's just you." I say, and sigh in relief, "Do you need anything Toga?" I ask, opening my door more, welcoming her in.

She didn't come in, and said, "No, I've just been hearing you pacing for a while, it was getting annoying." She said in a slightly angered tone. "Sorry, I've just been-" I cut myself off, I was about to tell her on how I was thinking about asking Dabi out on a date, and actually asking him to be my boyfriend.

No one knew about what was going on between us yet.

"-you've been?" Toga said raising an eyebrow, trying to get my to finish what I was about to say. "I've been-..thinking." I said, not knowing what else to say. "Thinking about what?" She asked with full curiosity, "About-.." I said, not knowing what to make up.

"Just tell me why you were ACTUALLY pacing!" She said in annoyance, "Since when did you become some sort of therapist?" I ask, she looks around the room awkwardly. "Since..." She started.

"Since?" I say. She smiled at me, "Since you know.." she said trying to hint something at me. "Since what!?" I said getting flustered, "Since you and Dabi were getting all lovey-dovey!!" whispered trying her best to to yell it out. She had a big smile on her face and her eyes were twinkling.

"H-How did y-you-" I started but got cut off. "I overheard you guys the other day, when Shoto was here!" She said as her smile got bigger, "You haven't told anyone have you Toga!?" I quickly asked.

"Of course not, I might be hyper and all, but I know when to keep quiet!" She said crossing her arms. "Okay, good." I said, and sighed in relief, "Have you not asked him to be your boyfriend yet?" She asked. "N-" I got cut off, "Do you want to ask him out on a first date and ask him there? Is that why you were pacing?" She asked raising and eyebrow. "I-I-..yeah." I said in shock, she saw right through me.

"Ooh! Goodie!! I'll help you!!" She said as she hopped from side to side. "Really?" I asked, "Yep! I know Dabi very well, he's like my older brother! Trust me!" She said in pure excitement.

I looked around, sighed, and then smiled. "Alright then, give me some ideas."

The next day

Toga and I had gone to set up where Dabi and I were going to have our date. She helped me find a spot on where Dabi and I should have our date. We were both setting until she told me to go home to get changed, and then bring Dabi over. She said that she'd take care of the rest.

It's been 1 hour since she sent me back home. God this is nerve wrecking.. I think to myself as about to knock on Dabi's door. I sighed and knocked.

"Come in!" I heard him yell. I walked in, to see him playing video games. "Got nothing better to do?" I chuckled as I closed his door leaning against the wall. "No, not really-" he said looking over at me, but then cut himself off. "Woah.." He said as he took of his headset, his face turning bright red.

"Why so..dressed up?" He asked chuckling. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him up, our faces just a couple of inches away frome ach others. "Well I was just wondering if you'd like to go on a date." I said not knowing in what other way to say it.

He seemed shock but laughed, "Yeah sure, why not." He said playfully pushing me away to grab his shoes. I smiled, "I'll be waiting for you outside." I said. As I went outside, I couldn't help but smile.

"Done!!!" Toga said as she ran up in front of me and jumped up and down like a child. "Alright, thanks Toga, I'll pay you back promise!" I say.

She looks at me an raises and eyebrow, "What you're gonna do toI can say anything else I grab him by the arm, and pull him into a hug. "Not like I can say this is something new." He said as he patted my head.

"Come on let's go." I said as I grabbed his hand practically dragging him to our date.

"Damn.." Dabi said as he looked around him. A stop surrounded with eastern redbuds, fairy lights, and in the middle just grass with a nice picnic layout. "You like it?" I asked in a sincere tone. "Yeah, it's amazing." He said in amazement. Dabi sat down, and I sat down next to him.

We talked and we ate, and by the time I knew it, it was 8:23pm. Dabi was still talking, and I sighed, and oddly started to get anxious at the fact about what I'm just about to ask him. "Are you alright Tomura?" Dabi asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine-..but I would like to ask you something." I said, "Ask away." he replied. I took a deep breath, and blurted out, "Will you be my boyfriend?" he looked at me, and then started to laugh.

"This is straight out of one those cheesy romance movies Toga makes me watch with her." He said while still laughing. I scartch my head, and laugh along. Dabi soon stopped laughing and looked at me. "But yes..I will be your boyfriend." He said as he looked down, smiling.

I looked at him in surprise. I had the biggest smile on my face. I pinned him down to the ground, he looked at me shocked, but soon both started laughing to what seemed unbelievable. I kissed him, and he kissed be back.

Both our foreheads just touching each other.

I have never seen him smile this much before. It melted me just seeing his smile. I could die right now..without a worry at all.

"I did it." I said. Dabi looked at me confused, "I finally won you over." I said with a chuckle. "Yeah, I guess you did." He said as blush was spreading across his face, but with a heartwarming smile.

"Dabi." We heard heard familiar voice say. I get off of Dabi to see Endeavor and Shoto.

"Or should I say..Toya Todoroki."

A/N: Cliffhanger! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this, this was more revolved around Tomura setting up a date for Dabi and him, but I found it sweet, anyway, toxic Dabi is now gone thanks to Tomura! Sorry of you found this cringe/cheesy, but it's a fanficion, you had to see it coming. Anyways, sorry for any misspells or bad grammar!<3

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