Chapter 14

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Sydney felt her interaction with Danny had been unremarkable. He was a shy man who avoided eye contact and spoke in a hushed whisper. He gave her little to no helpful information, and was antsy to leave. After Avery's phone call, and Kenzie's identifying him as the man at the cabin, she understood why.

Now, she was on the hunt to find him. When she caught sight of him, he was slinking past a distant stable. She picked up her pace and called out. He didn't turn or stop, instead, he began to run.

Sydney cursed. She wasn't in the mood or dressed for a foot chase. He cut across the pasture and headed towards the distant trees. If he made it, she figured she would lose him. She knew nothing about navigating through the dense growth and tall trees. But, there was one thing he didn't know, she had been an All-American sprinter in college, and still ran a sub seven mile. Digging in she let her foot turnover increase and her breathing settle. Even in boots and jeans she found her feet and saw their gap decrease. He looked back and realized he made a crucial mistake. He didn't stop but prepared for impact. Within seconds, she wrapped her arms around his short torso and spun him to the ground, pinning him beneath her.

"Why does everyone run?"

He didn't answer her rhetorical question, as his focus was on trying to regain his breath.

She cinched her cuffs on his wrists and forced him to his feet. "Let's go."

He responded physically by stiffening his muscles to make it hard to lead him away.

"Seriously?" she grunted and pulled harder.

"You have it all wrong." His words came out between gulping breaths.

"Do, I? What's right then?"

He didn't answer and allowed her to lead him forward, but continued to keep his weight heavy and shuffled his feet. Sydney hadn't realized how long she had been there and the hour was growing later. Moments earlier she was sweating and now she shivered as the sun dipped further behind the towering mountainside. The dense trees began to darken and resemble towering giants. Their shadows grew long, stretching out across the rocks and pine needles in preparation to merge. Soon they would converge into a giant blanket of blackness that would blot out all visibility. Sydney appreciated the bare bulbs lining the buildings flickering on. She began to understand Avery's insistence for everyone to get back before dark. Thinking of her, she figured she'd see her pulling into the lot any minute.

A horse's neigh broke through their speechless trek. Though the horses in their stalls were not quiet, the direction of the sound was behind them. Sydney caught sight of the rider emerging from the near distant trees and heading their way. Sydney recognized him even in the growing darkness. He guided his horse along the pasture's fence and before reaching its end, pulled back to stop her. He slid off his horse and grabbed the reins tying them around a fence pole.

Patting her neck he smiled in Sydney's direction. "Everything okay?"

"Travis, right?" she asked, knowing the answer, and trying to hold back her annoyance at his interference.

He nodded his response and to add to her growing agitation, he stepped away from the horse and grew closer to them.

Even though his energy didn't read as dangerous, Sydney felt her defenses rise. "We're good, thank you."

"Danny, do you need anything?" he asked, ignoring Sydney. "Want me to call anyone?"

Danny only shrugged and dropped his eyes again.

"I'll make sure to close this place for you and call Tina." He kept approaching as he spoke.

Sydney halted and met his attempt to insert himself into their business with scrutiny. Not having forgotten their silent interaction earlier, she was trying to understand his motives. Whether he was a threat or just a concerned friend.

"You work here?" she asked with slight confusion.

"Nope," he answered. His tone was light, almost as if he was forcing calm. "I rent a stall here for Millie." He pointed towards his copper mare.

"Ah, gotcha." Sydney adjusted her hold on Danny and stepped away to continue their trek. "Have a good night."

Sydney felt her guard drop slightly when he didn't follow. She looked ahead to strategize their upcoming movements. They were approaching the office. A building that was nothing more than an enclosed booth with a ticket window reminiscent of an old-timey theater. From there it was only a short distance to the parking lot. The last obstacle was the chest-high corral fence made up of large interlocking logs. She noticed when they reached the fence, they would have to separate momentarily to maneuver around the gate.

A growing swishing sound accompanied by the crunch of dirt and scattering pebbles shifted Sydney's instinct back to high alert. Adjusting her weight, she spun toward the oncoming danger. Inadvertently, Danny became sandwiched between her and Travis. Travis' dark eyes told her she was the focus of his advancement, but he smoothly adjusted to the unexpected change by grabbing Danny. He spun Danny away and brought his weight around to face Sydney. He used Sydney's startled response to the abrupt and unexpected attack to extend the blade towards her. The shock of his action faded and she skillfully reacted to his advancement. She danced to the right while circling her hand around his wrist and violently twisted. He cried out with the immediate and excruciating pain, causing him to release his hold on the knife.

Sydney kept on the attack, knowing she had to stay on the offensive. He threw his left arm up to block the right hook she sent hurtling towards his head. He pulled back and twisted to free her grip from him. With his newfound freedom, Travis used his forward motion to send an upward jab that caught her under her jaw. The impact snapped Sydney's head back. She lost her balance, but it didn't stop her. She shook it off and returned to a balanced and staggered stance. In a swift move, she removed her gun from its holster. Before she could raise it towards him, he reacted with a roundhouse kick that connected with her wrist. The impact sent the gun disappearing into the brush. She didn't acknowledge the loss of the weapon and wasted no time stepping forward and with a strong front kick caught him in his midsection. His footing faltered but the blow to his head had him swirling with dizziness and swaying sideways. The strike took him to one knee and he held the fence post for support.

She recognized she would have to continue her charge to subdue him, and end the fight in her favor. Travis reached down and she anticipated it was in response to his unsteadiness. She realized too late he had scooped up a handful of dirt and needles. Before she could turn away, he hurled the debris at her.

Sydney tried to block her face and close her eyes but not before the particles assaulted her. She blinked and sputtered as the dirt and sharp needles blinded her. He laughed as she helplessly tried to rub the grim from her eyes and regain her breath. He used her struggle to leap up and lunge toward her. In a violent collision their bodies landed on the hard-packed dirt. She coughed and blinked trying to fight the pain of the grit that was scraping her eyes.

Even blinded, she responded to his position over her and began to buck and twist in an attempt to free herself. He wasted no time wrapping his hands around her neck.

"Still think I'm a coward, Sydney?" he hissed and squeezed tighter. "You should have stayed out of it."

A roar of an engine and headlights cutting through the darkness interrupted and exposed his actions. The blinding light had him ducking his head down. With the distraction, Sydney threaded her arms through his. Her hands found his face and with what strength she had left she pressed her thumbs into his eyes. The agonizing pain had him breaking his hold and pulling back. The sound of Avery's voice gave her more power to flip the momentum back to her, but in a last effort, he sent a balled fist across Sydney's temple. A mix of throttling pain and brilliant lights crossed her vision. As it cleared, she felt his weight lift and a wave of relief replaced the adrenaline once soaring through her veins.

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