Chapter 10

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Kenzie sat in the direct morning sun but felt untouched by its warmth. Her body shook; every muscle trembled at a different rate. Each convulsion held a ferocity overtaking any of her drifting thoughts. The constant shock waves flowing through her would cause sudden sharp pains in her wrist and create an intense pounding that radiated through her head. All she felt she could do was stare. Focusing on anything felt like an overwhelming task. She was subtly aware of the breeze flowing past her and lifting the essence of the surrounding pine trees. She felt the mud and dirt caked all over her, but her mind floated and kept everything at a distance. She realized she heard a voice as her eyes lazily followed a trail of black carpenter ants marching along the curve of a protruding tree root. The familiarity of the voice forced herself to acknowledge the source. There in front of her was Carter. He was talking, but she could only make out sounds. Her attention shifted when she felt him try to move her arm away from her body. She jerked away in response and shot her foot out catching him in the chest. He staggered backward and landed hard on his backside. Regaining his balance he leaped back over to her.

He then dropped into her eye-line, his hands up in surrender. "Let me help."

Her eyes shifted to meet his. His voice echoed, his words jumbled, and she shivered again.

"I called Avery, she'll be here soon. Can I please clean the cut on your head? Or at least make a sling so you can relax your grip?"

Kenzie tried to make sense of his question and only nodded. Her head continued to throb but she couldn't hold onto a single thought. She almost died. But, why hadn't she? Why did he leave her? Who was he? Then an image of empty eyes meeting hers from the crack of the cabin door resurfaced. The memory caused the already violent trembles to become worse.

There was a roar of an engine, then a moment of silence before the sound of car doors slamming. Footsteps becoming louder had Kenzie looking up. She felt a calm wash over her as Avery sprinted towards her.

"Kenzie," Avery called as she neared almost falling onto her knees.

"I think she fell and hit her head, there are some steep drops." Carter offered.

Kenzie shook her head. Her brain screamed that it was a man but her voice remained silent. She knew she needed to speak. Their eyes met again. She saw the pureness of her concern but felt helpless to squelch it.

"Hey, Sis," Avery whispered to gain her attention and moved a few strands of hair that had fallen across her brow and into her eye. "Talk to me."

"Avery." It was all she could force out.

"Tell me what happened."

"The cabin."

"Were you at the cabin?"

She felt her eyes clear and she looked at Avery. "A woman."

"What about a woman?"

"Dead." Kenzie shivered remembering her blood streaked face, and eyes looking through her.

"I knew it." The new voice had Kenzie adjusting her focus to it. Sydney stood with her arms crossed, an intimidating silhouette over her and Avery.

Avery swiveled on her heels and directed herself to the Lieutenant hovering above her. "Syd, please."

"What were you thinking? " Sydney said, ignoring Avery's plea. "Why were you there?"

Her tone and words had Avery popping up and turning to give Sydney her full attention. "We have the water covered, and men headed up to the cabin. You could go to the stable, we'll need two horses."

"We need to get up there," Sydney protested. "And not by horse, isn't there a faster way?"

"There's not."

"I'll be fine," Kenzie interrupted and tried to use a strong voice, but her speaking only redirected Avery back to her.

"I won't leave you until the medics get here," Avery said and then only twisted her waist to address Sydney, "You can start up the trail if you want, but the fastest way is by horse."

Sydney grunted a response but stepped away, pulling out her phone.

"I've got her." Carter offered. "She doesn't want to be crowded."

Avery bristled at the unwelcomed comment. "Why don't you be helpful and get the blanket out of the back of my car, she's shivering."

"You'd never have known her condition if it wasn't for me," he challenged, stalking away.

When it was the two of them again, Avery tried asking more questions, "What happened?"

"I was only going to clear my head and take some photos. I didn't know," she answered and looked towards Sydney. "I swear."

"We're all just worried. Did you fall down the trail as Carter says? Were you running?"

"No-" she paused then dropped her head. "Yes."

"Kenzie, help me out here."

The ambulance rig pulled up, creating a brief distraction. Kenzie wanted to give more but she only had blurry visuals, unable to find the words to match them. Her attacker was only a hazy form, the clearest image in her head was what she saw after he fled. Morgan Green.

"I didn't run, I don't remember how I got down here."

Avery's mouth creased into a thin line. Kenzie could feel Avery's eagerness for more details and Kenzie tried to concentrate harder.

"The water, I was underwater."

"In the creek?"

Kenzie nodded.

"Did you fall in?"

"No, he held me."

"He?" Avery's voice rose with slight excitement for more detailed information. "Can you remember anything about him?"

Kenzie could only apologize; she was useless. All the critical details Avery needed were veiled in shadows.

"It's okay," Avery reassured and with care caressed her shoulder before she moved over so the medics could take over. "Now, let them help you, I'll come down to the hospital the second I can."

Kenzie tried to acknowledge, but there was nothing. She heard the questions from the man now blocking the view of her sister. She jumped at the pain caused by the gentle palpitations from him checking her facial injury, but then tilted her head to get a view of Avery. She watched her speak in hushed tones to Sydney.

Sydney didn't control her volume or words to express how unsatisfied she was with how the events were being handled. "Horses will be here in five minutes. Can't we take four wheelers or something? This is taking way too long. He could have gone back and moved Morgan."

"He wants us to find her, she'll be there, but-"

"But what?"

Kenzie forced herself to focus harder on their conversation when she saw that Avery's already agitated demeanor changed when she looked back at her. Her face revealed the fear and worry she had been trying to control.

"Kenzie didn't fall, someone attacked her. He could have killed her but he didn't. She saw Morgan, and if she can ID him, she could still be in danger."

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