Chapter 5

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Kenzie found herself down an Internet rabbit hole trying to learn everything about Madison Green. She only discovered bits and pieces of information from her biography page on the Redwood City College website. She figured being a photographer she'd have a website, or at least an Instagram to show off her talent. As a photographer herself, Kenzie loved sharing her personal work. It was so different from her freelance work or the usual shots she got for the paper. She frequently submitted to art shows in Redwood City and attended openings to see the surrounding talent. But, with Madison, there was only a small portfolio and awards won for her works. She presented as a private, modest person. Kenzie recognized Quail Lake as the main subject of many of her works. It made her wonder if there was significance to where Madison's body was found and photos she had taken.

Carter's voice broke her concentration, "So you heard the victim is Madison Green and she has a twin?"

"What?" Kenzie spun in shock. "Where did you hear that name?"

Carter stepped back and crossed his arms in response to her sudden sharp tone. "It's all over now that Grayson broke the story. He didn't disclose his source, of course."

"But, no official statement has been made yet," Kenzie countered.

"That's just some good investigating. You have to give it to the guy."

She lifted her coffee mug to her lips and with a swallow tried to push down the knot that had formed.

"You look upset." Carter mocked. "Is it because we've been scooped?"

"Shut up, Carter," Kenzie snapped. "A woman's dead, she's not just a story."

He was about to strike back when the door flew open and Avery filled the doorframe. When their eyes met, Kenzie saw the anger raging. Seeing she had her attention, Avery gestured for Kenzie to join her outside.

She remained planted in her chair, confused about what she did to upset her sister. It hit as soon as she heard Carter chuckle. Kenzie jumped up ready to release her anger and frustration on him but took a breath instead. It would only add to his enjoyment of what he thought was only a little brother-like annoyance. She gave him a look of warning before she met her sister.

Avery was already out the door and impatiently waiting as Kenzie emerged. She had her arms crossed over her chest and she took on a staggered stance that Kenzie knew meant business.

"I have a job to do and I know you understand that interfering can jeopardize everything."

"Avery, I swear I didn't."

"The fact you were even let in the office this morning." She ran a hand through her hair as she did when frustrated or annoyed. "I have to be more professional now than ever. Every detail matters."

"I just told you it wasn't me, that should be enough," Kenzie said with a sharp exhale. "Why would I give Grayson Levy any information anyway?"

Avery studied her, but with acceptance, her eyes softened in apology. "This has gotten out of hand already."

"You have nothing to prove to anyone, Avery."

"I'm not trying to prove anything." Her tone held a level of defensiveness Kenzie hadn't heard in a while.

"Syd-" Was all Kenzie could say before Avery was cutting her off.

"I have nothing to prove to her. She's here because this is bigger than Mike and I can handle. I have a duty to protect this town and right now the fear is there's a killer roaming the streets." She paused. "That's on my shoulders. I need you to be helpful in the process, by please staying out of it."

Kenzie reached out and grabbed Avery's hand. "It's all I planned to do, but-"

"But what?"

"I had come to the office today not to be nosy. I got that phone call from someone wishing me a happy anniversary."

"That's not out of the ordinary for us, especially today."

"He said more this time. See you soon."

Avery's eyes flashed an unusual panic and began to respond when Carter appeared.

"You might want to see this," he said with a nod inside.

"I'm sure it can wait," Avery snapped.

"Geez." Carter threw a hand up in discontent with Avery's attitude. "They're airing Grayson on the news, again."

Kenzie rested against the railing and crossed her arms. "We don't care what that guy has to say."

"Maybe you should."

"Maybe you should just go back inside," Kenzie said, waving him away. Avery cursing drew her focus back to her sister. "Ave? What's going on?"

Avery didn't look up, but continued to text with ferocity as she answered, "I've got to go. I'll call you later. Will you send Mike the number that called you?"

"Yeah, but every year nothing ever turns up."

"I know, but this is different."


Avery squeezed Kenzie's hand then without looking back, she turned and jogged to her car. Kenzie watched her until she had disappeared around the curve. Kenzie could feel the stress and pressure exuding from her sister. It began to worry her. It had been years since Kenzie had felt such a heavy energy from her. It took a lot to take Avery down and seeing her chipped at again became more concerning.

"Where'd your sister go?" Carter asked, positioning the remote to face the TV rewinding the news clip.

"She has a killer to catch, not watch TV."

He stared at the closed door with clear disappointment. It struck Kenzie strange, but then again everything he did was strange to her. He seemed to shake it off and turned back to the TV and pointed to the screen. Paused was a side by side of her mother, Madison and her twin sister, Morgan. When Carter hit play Grayson Levy's deep voice filled the air around them. The news anchors listened, absorbing his words.

"I doubt I'm the only one that sees these coincidences. On the anniversary of Emily Walker's murder, another possible murder of a woman with a striking resemblance to the Walker women. I've reached out to her twin sister, Morgan, with no luck as of yet. But, let that sink in, a twin sister." He paused for a dramatic effect then when he spoke again his voice became deeper and words released slower. "We can't ignore that there may be a connection between Emily Walker, her sketchy past, and Madison Green."

Kenzie snatched the control from Carter and clicked the TV off. "Avery's right, this is out of control. Who is this guy?"

"A genius investigator." Carter's voice filled with admiration as he spoke. "I told you he's the story we need to follow."

Kenzie spun away. As she stalked off she spoke to the air in front of her, but loud enough for Carter to hear, "I only want to find him to shut him up."

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