Chapter 25

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Avery leaned against the open door of Mike's truck. "Thank's for dropping me off."

"Of course, Boss." He saluted holding a generous smile. "Looks like we got that win."

"I think we're headed that way, I'm glad everyone's okay."

"Are you going to try Kenzie again? I should have told you she was at Paul's and assumed Young wouldn't take Candace there."

"I'm sure she's pissed at me and I don't blame her."

Mike smiled again but this time was tight-lipped with his regretful apology.

Avery dismissed his guilt with a wave. "You can't do it all. I really do appreciate you."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get sappy now." Mike laughed, pulling the gear shift back down to drive. "I'll go head over to Travis' place and see how the search is going over there. I'll check in with you in a bit. "

Avery nodded her approval, swiveling on her heels to get her keys and phone. She felt the urgency to get to the office. She worried about how manipulative Candace could be and how vulnerable Kenzie was. She didn't blame her sister for wanting answers. The thought of Kenzie pulled into Candace's deceptive web had her bringing her phone to life. Concerned there wasn't an answer she tried calling Ken.

"Avery, I've been so worried. Are you okay?" His voice bursted with concern.

"I am, I just want to get to Kenzie to make sure she is, a lot has been stirred up."

"Well, she's not here, Tyson took her a bit ago."

"Her cast," she said more to herself. Thanking Paul, she hung up and called Tyson.

"So good to hear your voice," Tyson said after an initial greeting.

"Thanks, not to just jump to what I need, but is Kenzie still with you?"

"No, she didn't want to get her cast today, so I obliged and took her home."

"How did she seem?"

"Quiet and I felt like she was distracted. But, with all that has gone on, I didn't think much of it."

"Thank you again for all you've done for her." Avery said, climbing into the driver's seat. "I'm going to go check on her."

"We'll talk later, maybe I'll bring over some food," Tyson suggested.

"That would be generous and amazing. Bring Janet, we can all dine together."

"Sounds good."

The entire drive to Kenzie's, she was on autopilot, thinking of the current situation and how she was going to navigate it. It felt like no matter what she did, something negative was around the corner waiting. With Travis gone, Candace detained, and Sydney safe, she fell into the comfort of finally having some control. Now it was all spiraling again. She needed the truth but feared it was deeper and deadlier than she had considered. Parking behind Kenzie's Jeep she got out. Her surroundings appeared calm, and she wished she could translate the feeling to the unknown fury and questions she was about to walk into. She didn't have the answers Kenzie wanted, but she was going to be as honest as she could.

A horn honking made her recoil and turn towards the noise. She didn't even try to hide her annoyance at Carter pulling next to her and rolling down his window.

"Can I talk to you for just a minute?"

"I don't have time for this, maybe later," she said, counting on her emphasis of frustration to be enough for him to take the hint and back off.

"A minute is all I ask, please," he begged climbing out of his car.

She breathed out and let her arms fall beside her. "Carter, we will talk, I promise, just not right now. Kenzie's made it clear she doesn't want to talk or see you. You need to leave."

"You need to listen to me." He became more desperate. "I have to clear this up, it's been eating me up."

"I'm sorry you're having a hard time, but I'm not the one to clear your conscience. I have something more important going on at the moment."

"Of course," he growled.

"Carter, take a breath. Not everything can be on your time."

"Why do you get to dictate any of this?"

"Leave," she ordered.

He stalled for a moment then relented, climbing back in his car and reversing from the drive.

Avery turned in relief to sidestepping the interaction, but a revving engine brought her attention back to Carter. He remained at the entrance of the driveway, glaring at her. A new flurry of anger swirled within her. He was once again pushing his boundaries and her patience. She moved towards him making herself physically and vocally clear that he needed to leave.

He didn't budge. She expected him to make a big show, but instead of a false warning of letting the engine scream as he pumped the gas, he accelerated towards her. She was briefly rooted in shock, but her instincts kicked in and she shied sideways. The space between them closed quickly. Her movements weren't quick enough as the unexpected threw her off balance. Avery kept moving, but she wasn't far enough away. She still needed to plant a solid foot to gain the control necessary to avoid being hit. Just as she began to push off, Avery realized her car blocked her escape. In the next instance, the solid metal clipped her leg. In the last effort to protect her body, she tucked in her arms as she flipped upward across the hood and headfirst into the windshield. Knife sharp pain shot across her face and down her jaw. As fast as the car stormed towards her, it came to a sudden halt. Inertia kept her in motion, causing her to shoot forward and slam into the dirt. Pain swept through her like a fire. She didn't have time to assess their origins as she knew she wasn't out of danger. She ignored her rebelling body to the best of her ability and tried to rise. Dizziness overwhelmed her and she fell to her back. She tried to focus and fight, but her vision blurred and her ears rang; she now lay on the brink of unconsciousness. She lost time, and came around when she felt his presence grow closer and heard his heavy breathing.

"Dammit!" he cried out. "Please don't be dead."

She didn't speak but glanced in his direction. Once again confused at how he flip-flopped from dangerous to remorseful and grasping at innocence.

"Thank God," he signed with relief. His hands hovered, unknown what to do. "Where are you hurt?"

"Just get Kenzie and call for help," she said, wincing in pain from taking in a breath to speak.

Peaks of trees towering above her replaced his form as he jumped up. Not feeling he was an immediate danger, she tried to relax. As she scanned and evaluated the severity of every nerve that fired, she stared above at the brilliant blue specks of the sky that scattered among the swaying leaves. Intertwined with Carter's repetitive panicked apologies, she heard a female voice in the background. It didn't sound like Kenzie and as a crunch of leaves and gravel became louder, she forced her head to sway in its direction. Dread overcame Avery with Candace fully appearing above her. She tried to look concerned as she reassured Carter that she had a plan and he wouldn't be in trouble. Not knowing what Candace would do, she adjusted her position to fight, but felt unable to move without pain shooting through her body.

"You sure know how to make an entrance," Candace whispered. "But, did you need to bring him along?"

"We need to call someone," Carter called out, pacing in the near background.

"That will take too long. We can take care of her," she reassured him.

"No," Avery protested and pushed against the woman holding her down. She had assumed Carter was within her fold, but her interaction with him appeared ambiguous and left her unsure. If he was in the wrong place, the wrong time, she had to warn him. "Carter, she's not-"

Candace sent a quick short jab into her already throbbing ribs. Avery bit down on the cry of pain she wanted to release but curled inward to find some control. When she looked back up, Candace revealed the gun she had concealed under her jacket.

"You even try to finish that sentence and your sister's dead."

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