Special: Helpless When She Smiles

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'To hang a smile on your faceis part of my daily routine

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'To hang a smile on your face
is part of my daily routine...
because when you smile,
my world lights up.'

Like the earth uncovered nature's treasure chest, the land turned into a carpet in millions of green hues and ornamented with blooming wild blossoms throughout the land. Unlike the fiery sun of the hot season, the gentle sun rays warmed one's heart; yet, its breath sent a sense of comfort to the creatures. 

"Look, look!" Asu, in a heavenly white cape and tawny brown shorts, cheered as she fixed her glinting hazel eyes on the fluffy creature that clasped her shoulder firmly. "Hoot-hoot!" She uttered a hoot, attempting to start a conversation with the Chaco owl.

Its whitish throat was reminiscent of the cowboy's wild rag. The brown-and-white stripes were a vintage cape that the analytical creature wore. Looking into those round eyes, the brunette wouldn't doubt if she was told that those dark orbs were, in fact, the gates to the abyss.

"You're so gorgeous! You have thick eyebrows," Asu complimented from the bottom of her heart before approaching further, "What's your name?" However, the response she received from the analytical creature was nothing but an inexpressive stare- before a 90-degree head tilt.

Watching the conversation of the brunette with the perplexed owl, the grey-haired man couldn't help but put his effort into leashing the loud laughter that threatened to barge out of his lips. 'As if you could understand what it says, baka,' Kazuki commented secretly before his mind remarked, 'How interesting.'

"Excuse me, sir," a soft, fruity voice put his secret comment to an end and snatched his attention; yet, it got shielded by the ears of the brunette. "Would you like to take a picture with your camera or mobile phone?" The girl in uniform asked as a friendly smile plastered her face.

"Sure!" Kazuki replied unhesitatingly as he shifted his hand into the slant pocket of his dark trousers. Fishing out his mobile phone in a second, he unlocked the screen and switched the brightened screen into the camera view before holding it out to the friendly worker.

Before he knew it, a caretaker grabbed his forearm with a mild force and held it up to his chest level. "Please hold still and don't make any sudden movement," the caretaker advised before pressing her forearm against his forearm gently.

A brownish owl hopped lightly to his forearm before clutching it firmly- so firm that the grey-haired man could feel its sharp claws through his charcoal-grey waxed cotton jacket. Fixing his gaze onto the African Wood Owl, he gave a once-over to the brownish analytical creature.

The owl looked at the grey-haired man through its narrowed round abyss-like eyes. As though its expression influenced his expression, the grey-haired man squinted his eyes next. If the monochrome owl on her shoulder was an adorably curious child, the sepia owl on his forearm was an old prideful egoist.

"What?" Kazuki uttered briefly before questioning straightforwardly with hints of arrogance, "Are you judging me?" However, no response he received from the judgemental owl- except for its disdainful scorn that somehow challenged the arrogant grey-haired man.

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