Forgetting Isn't Easy

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Kai's POV

It wasn't the first time waking up in a strangers bed. Though unusual and hasn't happened in several years it wasn't something that I made a habit of.

That first burst of adrenaline as your hungover brain finally comprehends that something isn't quite what it's supposed to be. The bed was softer than normal. The pillow smelled of a different cologne that, though it smelled like the most attractive scent in the world, wasn't the one you wore yourself. The warmth of a strong arm draped across your abdomen.

Slowly I opened my eyes and looked over at the figure beside me. Trying my best not to wake up the man sleeping next to me to avoid the awkward morning after chat that usually came with drunk hook-ups. The man was laying on his stomach with his head turned away from me. His medium black hair long enough to put into a small ponytail was fanned out along the pillow. My eyes began to wonder down the strangers back taking in the strong muscles that was a clear sign the guy took care of himself physically. The red satin sheet covered his lower half where his back ends and the rest began.

"I can definitely see why I was drawn to him last night." I thought with a small smile on my face. Taking a breath to brace myself from moving out of the mans one armed embrace, I slowly slipped out of his reach and gently placed the arm on the bed. The man started to stir slightly causing me to hold my breath.

Don't wake up. Don't wake up. Please, don't wake up.

After a few seconds of him stirring he stopped and his breathing became steady again and I let out a long sigh. I looked beside the bed to find my pants and boxers in a pile together. Thankfully noticing my wallet and keys were tangled in as well. Ignoring the pain from my backside I pulled them on quickly and as quietly as possible I began to look around for my other clothes that had to be somewhere around this guy's house.

Not seeing them in the bedroom I made my way into a hallway and found one of my black gloves quickly putting it on glad that I didn't lose them somewhere on my little adventure last night. Hoping I would find the other one close by, I searched down the hall and made it into a living room and found the other. Quietly I thanked my drunk self for not costing me a fortune to have them replaced. These special made gloves were expensive and I didn't need the extra cost of another pair added to the list of things I needed to purchase. The closer I got to what I assumed was the front door I found my black button down shirt, a few of the buttons missing and laying across the floor. Closest to the door were my sandals that were surprisingly in perfect condition. After slipping them on I reached my hand up to open the door and leave but a small sound from behind caused me to turn around.

Looking at the ground I saw an orange long haired cat. Its head tilted to the side curiously as the big green eyes stared up at me. A smile made its way onto my face as I bent down and held out a hand for the cat to sniff before leaning his head into the palm. Petting the cat affectionately I scratched behind his ears a little.

"So he likes cats huh?" I said chuckling at the irony of it.

"Meowwww" The orange cat replied happily. Its purring becoming louder. The cat suddenly jumped up onto my shoulder and rubbed its face against mine causing a huge smile to form.

"Hey now. I have to get going before your owner wakes up. You keep this up and I'll get attached." The cat responded by licking the side of my face. With another chuckle I gently picked up the cat and placed him down to the floor. I stood up quickly hearing the rustling down the hall in the bedroom. With another small smile toward the feline in the floor I left and hoped I got out of eyesight before the owner of the house noticed me.

3rd person POV

The black haired man stirred in his bed, a dull throb in his skull a result from the drinking the night before. Deciding he had to get up and get ready for work he froze when he heard a chuckle through the house. It was low and amused.

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