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Last time we were introduced to vinay and anurag. We also learned how quirks came to be and how vinay became the new god of his multiverse. After that, we learned about the rise of AFO. And at the end, we were with the duo looking over a city in Japan, now onto the 2nd part

Vinay looked over to his friend and said "yes, is the day toshinori yagi will be born or as we both know him as all might, the future symbol of peace". Anurag just sighed and said "so why are we here, I mean why do we need to witness this I am sure it is nothing too important", vinay just looked over to his friend and just chuckled and said "yes it is, just trust me" he finished the sentence in a serious tone.

Anurag gave up questioning vinay and asked "so what are we going to do". Vinay just smirked and motioned anurag to follow him as vinay jumped off the rooftop and landed in an alleyway. Anurag soon followed him and when he landed he heard crying coming from behind a dumpster, he quickly ran up to vinay who was standing exactly where the sound came from when anurag reached vinay he quickly looked at the origin of the sound and found only one thing a baby.

Anurag was shocked and said "why is this baby here did his parents abandon him" he was worried but vinay was calm, he picked up the child in his arms and started to cradle him so he would stop crying. After that the child fell asleep, vinay looked up to his friend and said "this is toshinori yagi a kid abandoned at birth because his parents were in high school and didn't want a child". 

This shocked anurag who at this point kept looking back and forth between the kid and his friend and finally spoke up saying "if that's the case why didn't they abort the child" vinay started walking out the alley causing anurag to run after him. 

When he reached his side, he asked "why aren't you saying anything" vinay looked at him and said "let's go home then we'll talk", anurag was now just confused he thought 'what home for the past 146 years we have been just wandering about around the world we never even slept anywhere' but he just followed his friend and soon they reached a high-end apartment building, the best in the town which anurag was wondering on how vinay got the apartment but he was sure that vinay would explain everything.

Vinay while carrying young toshi walked into the top apartment with anurag. The apartment was the most expensive in the entire building. Vinay puts young toshi in a crib and sat on the couch and motioned anurag to do the same, when he sat down vinay spoke up saying "his mother wanted to keep him because she was a teenager and wanted to have a kid so she hid the fact for 4 months during this time her boyfriend got suspicious and when he found out the truth it was too late for abortion so he convinced her to abandon the child". 

He paused and then again looked at anurag who had taken the information quite well then he continued "and you might also be wondering how I got this apartment well I am currently doing business with the yaoyarozu cooperation, the world needs technology ever since quirks appeared people stopped developing new things, so I am just trying to make the world a better place as a normal human, when I fixed everything I only removed weapons of mass destruction and enough of the pollution, that it will not affect the world". 

"But now I am actually helping as a normal person by providing the yaoyarozu cooperation with things they need such as formulae, material which they need, and concepts such as nanotech and what not" anurag again sighed and said "man you talk about living normal but your entire life is abnormal". 

Vinay laughed at this but his laughter woke up young toshi so vinay stood up and walked over to him and lifted him up and first cradled him and after he calmed down he took him to the kitchen and heated up a bottle of milk and fed it to him and looked back at his friend the face was screaming 'please don't I don't want to raise a child' vinay just gave a single nervous laugh and said "we need to" anurag just facepalmed and said, "fuck no".

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