Part 12: New Bonds

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Previously- The further matches of the 1v1 took place and some events lead to this moment that is about to transpire.





"Are both combatants ready?" Vinay and Shoto not looking away from each other nodded.

"Then begin."

Shoto sent an ice wave at Vinay who simply stomped the groundbreaking all the ice and made a giant rock come out of the ground Vinay then punched the rock sending it flying just by Shoto's side as it nearly took him out.

Shoto looked back to find Vinay gone but suddenly felt a large force on his ass as he flew forward toward the middle of the ring.

Vinay then cracked a few of his bones "Let's get serious I want the fire kid." "Why do you always act like an adult?" Shoto sent another ice glacier move at Vinay who wound up for a punch and as the fist made contact completely melted the ice "Because I am one, I am 216 years old kid. I have seen everything this world had to offer and let me tell you the path you have taken will get you nowhere in life abandon it and be sensible."

"WHAT!!!!!!!!/He is joking right?/How is he that old?/If he is that old why is he in school." These were what the crowd was talking about "I can't believe that hottie is an oldie" "Relax Mina he still looks young." "You're right Toru." 

"Guys it's getting uncomfortable please move along."  "Sure Momo I am sure it's even more comfortable since your boyfriend is a walking dinosaur." "He's Not my--- let's just watch the fight."

Shoto was the first who gave all of this a hard thought "Screw it" and charged up a fire punch condensing the fire until it became blue he was about to shoot the blast when everyone started to hear drums as Vinay's hair turned completely white so did his clothing as the white cloud began to form around as Black-red Lightning flew from his body.

"Take this Vinay this is my peak!" "I appreciate it Todoroki" "Pillar of heaven!" Shoto then plunged his fist into the ground as Vinay looked at his feet while laughing uncontrollably.

Suddenly multiple flames came out of the ground surrounding Vinay then a final one came sending him flying into the air where the black lightning mixed in with the heated-up clouds and created actual thunder.

A stretchy hand reached out from the flame pillar grabbed a lightning bolt and smiled "Gear 5"

He then brought down the thunder on Todoroki absolutely destroying the arena and embedding Todoroki in a creator outside of bounds.

Altho there was no longer any arena just a giant hole in the ground but the part of the giant hole where Shoto was technically outside the area of the arena.

Vinay landed safely in the center turning off his abilities "Vinay Dahiya has done it the 216-year-old first year has won the UA sports festival."

Vinay lend a hand to Shoto lifting him up from the rubble "You ok?" "Yea thanks for not hitting me head-on with that attack, I am not hurt but it makes a bad impression in front of Momo, how will I ask her out?" Vinay gritted his teeth as he patted his shoulder "Listen buddy Momo is, how do I put it Taken."

"What who?" Vinay raised both of his shoulders while pointing at himself.

"Ughh! Just when I thought I will try to be your friend you decided to become my rival for her love." "Blud we would be rivals if you had a chance I already have her nothing to compete here for."

The two then shared a Laugh and the ceremony for the awards was handed out.




The students were on the bus heading back to school Vinay was the last one to get on he scanned the bus for his seat and walked towards Momo who was in the very back of the bus waiting for him.

"Hey! Mind if I sit?" "Not at all." "Thanks" Everyone was secretly looking back at the two as they sat alone on the last long seat of the bus. Even Bakugo and Aizawa were looking because they were secretly a fan of Romcom anime.

Momo then grabbed Vinay's hand who squeezed her hand as reassurance and then she put her head on his shoulder so Vinay put his head on her head as they both spoke softly "I love you."


Sorry for the short chapter, I am really sorry.

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