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Hey guys welcome back to another part of this story. i hope you guys liked the last one so without any delay let's start this chapter quickly. 

PREVIOUSLY- we saw the battle at the USJ where vinay and anurag themselves handled the villains, anurag fought the nomu while vinay took on the villains while using, the sharingan, limitless and ultra instinct. then after that they all went home and vinay at night went and just laid there with momo and while acting like to be asleep said "I love you momo" and in the end, we saw vinay just looking at the stars and questioning, "what will be my life".


vinay was sitting in the classroom, 2 days after the USJ incident, while vinay was sitting he looked over to the girls and saw them together discussing something, he got curious and started listening to them by just increasing his hearing ability and he heard momo say "so then he said 'i love you momo' and I was so shocked but he was asleep" 

this made vinay say "fuck" and mina squeal who stood up and said, "everyone I got news vinay, the night of the USJ walked into yaomomo's room while sleeping and he slept with her, not in a sexual way just laid down with her and said 'I love you momo' what a nice way to confess" vinay just looked at them and said, "I know that's why I did it, it would've been nice if I actually had feelings for momo you know, but well too bad, none of it was real." 

Momo then said "yea, yea wait a minute you were awake" vinay then said "yes, I was." mina then said "well well you are an honest boy" and vinay just said "well I don't like to lie" momo then looked at him and said "never do that again" vinay then sighed and said "i promise I won't do something like that ever." momo then said "good" and vinay just looked back at her and said "promises are meant to be broken, I hope you remember that" 

Momo then said "huh" just then aizawa came and looked at them saying "sit down" everyone did just that. and aizawa looked at them for a moment and said "kids in a week you all will be having the sports festival, nezu thinks this will be a good way to show that UA isn't weak after the recent attack also related to that note, you two," he said pointing at vinay and anurag and said, "you two were captured by a news helicopter, your fight went viral, you two will be the center of attention at the festival so be prepared to do your best". 

vinay then said "and" aizawa then says "you're right there is nothing else to say, well have fun today and prepare for the festival because there, will be heroes looking for possible interns for a wee, the better you do the better heroes you can get." 

with that aizawa starts to teach everyone. and vinay was just spacing out while sitting and said to himself "the other universes seem to be doing well, it was a fun task. had to go and check if all the universes were working as they are supposed to, the little izuku's momo needed a little guidance, izuku x momo one needed a little explaining. I had to play GOD and act all cocky that wasn't anything I want to do ever" 

momo heard this but thought 'he's just playing with me isn't he like no way can he go to different universes.' and didn't care.


the bell rang and everyone was getting ready, to leave and when vinay opened the door, he was met with a crowd at the front of whom, monoma was standing who said "ohh, so this the is the student you fought about a hundred villains alone, but listen here you won't win this festival." vinay then looked at him and said "listen here, I don't give a shit about winning I just want to have fun and since you made a prediction for me, let me return the favor, you won't even make it to the finals and if you do, I will change my name to whatever you'd like to name me " 

and then he just walked out of the class while he could hear people say "he's awesome/he's strong/he's manly/he's handsome/he's confident/I bet he was always like this an awesome person."

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