Part:8 War is Love?

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"Now let's start the 1v1" roared the voice of Midnight.
Vinay walked over to his shirt as he saw the first match of the first bracket. He and Momo were followed by Anurag and Kirishima, Bakugo and Urarkaa then Tokuyami and Ashido.
Vinay seeing this looked at Momo, her looking back "I hope you're ready Vinay Because you will lose" with a smirk on his face "ohh, is the scaredy cat challenging me, bring it."

"Well, if you two are so excited, then why don't you come down Yaoyorozu" "with pleasure mam."

"Looks like the first match will start instantly, what do you think Aizawa who will win." "I don't have to think about it Mic, Vinay will win for sure, I'll not be surprised if this match ends in an instant."

Black met onyx, smile fixated on both ends "begin."

Momo ran towards her opponent, who just stood there with calm patient eyes, momo threw a punch only for it to be caught by Vinay who was not amused at all until he felt a sharp pain in his palm and saw a dagger piercing his hand as his anger now shifted to a hurt one, gritting his teeth he tightened his grip on Momo's hand and pulled her towards him as he sidestepped letting her go past him then he grabbed her ponytail and threw her back to her corner.

"Ahhhhhh" Momo landed on the battle floor as she instantly grabbed her head in pain "he threw her by her hair, this is now how you treat a woman, Vinay" "Shut up four eyes, this is a battle for heroes in training in a real fight any villain would use her long hair to their advantage."
"yea like Bakubro said, also she stabbed his hand, it must have been just as if not more painful than what he did to her"

To say Momo was pissed would be an understatement, she had already crafted 2 guns firing at Vinay, first thought of dodging but took all the bullets to his chest as he fell to his knees.

Momo quickly created a blade as she ran forward jumping high and swinging the blade in a downward arc ready to cleave Vinay in half.

Everyone had a dry throat seeing as Momo closed in to kill her classmate until to everyone's surprise the blade shattered as Vinay stood up swiftly and backhanded the blade breaking it.

He then delivered a powerful blow to her stomach causing her to spit up blood, then swiftly kicked her in the side breaking her arm and sending her flying towards the edge but he pulled her back to him with telekinesis grabbing her head and slamming it into the ground. 

Everyone thought that the match was over until Vinay was stabbed through the head with an extendable blade. The audience was out of their minds, Vinay fell limp to the ground as Momo retracted the blade. As she stood up looking at Midnight to announce the result.

"And the winner is Mo......" Momo frowned as to why Midnight had stopped until she heard clapping from behind her as she turned around weakly there stood her opponent completely fine as if he did not take that torture and as she looked at the body laying next to her, It was gone.

"Well, this would have been interesting but let's be real." Vinay snapped his fingers revealing that nothing had happened. "All that you witnessed was fake, the attacks that hit me and what I did to you." Upon hearing this Momo looked at her arm to see it was not hurt at all. She was relieved but then realized that Vinay had just fooled her all this time and played with her, so she was now going to teach him a lesson.

But before she could attack Vinay she was flicked on the forehead as she fell out of bounds.

"And the winner is Vinay Dahiya. Both contestants please move to your respective stands."

The crowd was cheering even though the end was not up to expectations but the fight they witnessed although may be an illusion was something you only get to see once or twice in life when A top Hero battles an infamous villain.

Momo stood up tears dwelling in her eye as she felt embarrassed being played with and taken as a joke by Vinay in this fight, She kept her tears in as she walked to the tunnel with her head down to hide her tears. 

Vinay felt bad seeing her like this so he walked right behind her into the tunnel to talk to her.

"Well, with a banger of a first-round, let's start the 2nd match of the day between Anurag and Kirishima. Both contestants get down onto the battlefield."

In the silent corridor, a soft sob escaped from a Dead end, Vinay mentally prepared himself for what was to come. As he turned around the corner looking straight in front of him at Momo sitting on the floor with her back to the wall crying with her head on her knees. She looked up to see her tormentor the person who had just caused her so much pain.

She quickly wiped her tears "what do you want now?" "I am sorry" he hugged the girl shocking her but she quickly melted into the hug both of them sat there hugging one another until the silence broke "I love you Momo." The words ignited a spark as millions of butterflies occurred in her stomach. As she uttered the words "I love you too."

The two then put their forehead together as they just embraced each other not caring about the world, "Agh" coughed someone from behind as Vinay turned around finding Endeavour there "sorry to interrupt your moment there, Can I talk to you Mr Dahiya" Vinay looked back at Momo before getting up and lifting her up along with him "No need to apologise Endeavour-san, I'll be with you in a moment."

Kissing her forehead "You go back to our classmates, pretty sure some of our friends must be worried about you, I will come back to you before you know it" Momo nodded and went away looking back at the 2 before turning the corner.

"So how can I help Endeavour-san?" "I need your help dealing with Shoto, He is just going out of control, Just when I was talking to him he said he wanted to marry Yaoyorozu, he is a good kid, but you know what puberty does to kids" "yea, I know all too well." 

"Well since it involves Momo, I can't let it slide even for a moment, I'll handle it today before the competition ends." "Thank you Mr Dahiya" "it's just Vinay, No need to be so formal" "I have to you are older and wiser than me, It will be disrespectful calling you by your name." 

"Actually it will not be like that, I love my given name more so please call me by my birth name, That would make me feel more respected."

"Very well Vinay" "good luck for the day Endeavour, I'll get going I promised her I'll be back before she noticed."

He then walked away to the stands. Upon his arrival, Vinay looked at Momo who was overlooking the match while standing near the edge. She looked back at him and smiled Vinay returned the smile and as Present Mic yelled in the background suddenly an ice spike came towards the stands and blood flew everywhere.

End Of Chapter.

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