Part: 9 God Awakens

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Vinay and Momo had their battle which turned out to be an illusion from Vinay.

Later the two made up in the corridor and Endeavour asked Vinay to help him beat some sense into Shoto, To which Vinay happily agreed. In the end, Vinay arrived at the stands where an ice spike hit someone splashing blood all around.


"Wow, that was a pretty good match even if what we saw was not real it was definitely fun. But let's move on to the next match which is Anurag vs Kirishima. Please cheer for the competitors, people." The stadium was filled with uproar as they cheered on the two students who made their way to their respective positions.

"Are we ready boys?" "Born ready, mam!!" "Then let's begin!"

The two competitors ran at one another Kirishima hardened his fist while going for a right hook Anurag easily predicted it and had already turned his body to the right letting the punch go beside him as he brought his own up and to Kirishima's chin punching him in the air and then returned delivered a right hook to Kirishima's gut sending him rolling backward a couple of meters.

Anurag looked down at his bruised hand "You hardened your stomach pretty quickly, Impressive but it won't matter anymore." Anurag took a fighting stance ready to attack but to his surprise, Kirishima hardened his foot and kicked the floor sending rocks toward Anurag almost as fast as bullets. Anurag shielded his hands to protect himself from the barrage and just as he put his arms down he was met with a devastating blow to the face as he was punched by Kirishima using all his strength.

"That was a great improvisation and a devastating blow, it seems Anurag is knocked unconscious." And that is what actually happened as Anurag was launched in the air and went flying towards the bounds but as fate willed it a bo-staff came flying from the sky and into his hands suddenly he woke up again and planted the pillar just near the boundary and swung on the staff launching himself back towards Kirishima who lifted his hands in an x pattern over his head as Anurag brought down a kick on his head shattering the hardened armor and the ground beneath.

"That was unexpected looks like Anurag has gotten a second wind." "Woah that was awesome, don't you think so Deku?" "It's really awesome Uraraka, I mean that force and with that move, he just got a spot back in the tournament, for a second I was sure he lost." 

Trying his best Kirishima lifted his arms up sending Anurag Kirishima hardened his hands again and tried to hit Anurag with some Combo he was using some form of old martial arts, But Anurag was blocking them with his staff and then started hitting Kirishima back and then with one last hit he broke his entire hardened skin and pit him in the solar plexus with a powerful hit sending Kirishima out of bounds.

"And the winner is Anurag!!!!!!!" The whole crowd was in roar singing praises for Anurag.

Anurag walked over to Kirishima "No hard feelings man" "It's all cool here, that fight was manly can you teach me some of your moves" "I'd love to now let's get back to the stands."




"And for the next match let me call in Todoroki and Mineta to the battleground."

The crowd cheered again for the two as both Contestants arrived at their spots. "Good luck Todoroki" "Fuck off midget" "Well, let's start in 3...2....1 GO."




Vinay just walked in on the stands looking at Momo who smiled back at him getting up to greet him Vinay was walking towards her but looked to his left seeing a Glacier coming towards them Vinay saw a spike heading towards Momo as he quickly pushed her down to the seat and was impaled in the back with the spike coming out from his stomach he looked at momo in the eyes blood escaping his mouth he smiled at her and Momo seeing this screened in horror.







End of Chapter

So again a short chapter but a good ending, In my opinion, I hope you liked the fight I tried a new style this time around and the next chapter will be uploaded next week most likely so stay tuned.

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