PART 13: Truth Unveiled.

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Just as the bus reached the School grounds everyone got off and Momo and Vinay were left on the bus as Momo was asleep, Vinay looked at her and smiled gently shaking her hand "Wake up."

Momo's eyes flustered open as she looked at her friend who held her arm "Good morning sleepy head, everyone is off. let's join them" Momo nodded standing up extended a hand for Vinay who took it and they both got off the bus holding hands and joined the group with Aizawa and All Might standing in front of the group.

Aizawa looked at the students "While School was off to prepare for the sports festival we have prepared Dorms for you all and have already moved your stuff inside. You can head to the dorms meant for your class. Vinay can explain the room system since he already knows all about it. Myself and All Might are heading to the teachers lounge for some work."

As the two adults walked away another one took their spot. 

"All right kids, Aizawa has placed you under the care of I. Follow me to the dorms and you are allowed to ask any questions you so wish." He then began to walk towards the direction of the dorms followed by his fellow classmates.

Mina was the first to speak "How are you 216 years old?" Vinay looked back at Mina then back again at the path ahead "I was chosen by the god of this multiverse to take his place and be the next god but for around 500 years I have to work as his right hand man, I am Immortal, never to age never to be killed. That should also explain all my other powers, I have the power to do anything in the Multiverse." 

No response was heard from the group as Vinay stopped and turned around looking at everyone who was dead quite "What happened?" Izuku was the first to speak up "Everyone is I think still processing about what they heard, I mean it's not everyday we get to meet god himself." Vinay nodded "It's okay you don't have to think about it I am just 216 years old nothing more, God exists and he is walking with you. There is nothing more to it."

With that they moved forward again and arrived outside the Dorm buildings "Everyone go in, except for Momo I want to have a talk with her."

Everyone walked inside until it was just Momo and Vinay left outside he turned around and walked towards her holding both her hands "Momo, what is it, that bothers you so." 

She looked at Vinay with tears in his eyes Vinay gently wiped them off as Momo began to speak her heart out "I Love someone who will longer than I ever will even after thousands of years after I die you will still be here, you will find someone else and replace me, I will be just one girl, just one small very small almost unrecognizable part of your eternal life. Heck I may not even be the first one you ever love." 

Momo suddenly felt fingers on her chin as her face was lifted and she was kissed. She soon melted into the kiss as Vinay broke the kiss.

He looked in her eyes "You are the first girl who I have loved in my entire life and I intend to make you the only one. That was my first ever kiss and it's yours, you will have all of my first."

Momo while still crying just tackled Vinay to the ground and hugged him. Vinay hugged her back and sat on the stairs comforting Momo.

As Momo stopped crying Vinay got on both knees in front of Momo resting his elbows on her knees looking her in the eyes "What? you gonna say anything?" "Yes a lot, shall I begin?"

Momo nodded looking forward to what he was going to say.

"From today, All my happiness have become yours all your sorrows have become mine, from Today all yours streets are mine and my home is yours."

"The mole on your shoulder the heart in your chest has all become mine, My worry, my care, all my love has become yours. If you ask me to make it shady in the heat of June, ill flick the sun out. If you ask me to make it sunny during rain, I'll drink up the entire monsoon. All you have to do for me is make my favorite food sometimes." 

Momo was at loss for words 'What is he saying, will he really do that?' Vinay smiled at her and she knew the answer 'Yes! Yes he would.' 

Vinay then looked at the sky the sun was setting and the sky was turning dark glittering with stars Momo gasped looking at him "is this for me?" Vinay shook his head as Momo looked at what he was doing he then waved his hand again and all the stars were now in his hands as small grains of sand.

He then dropped the stars at her feet "This is for you, the entire universe at your feet." 

Momo could not speak nor think anything until she felt a pair of hands take her own as the person who held her looked at her with nothing but love and affection.

He stood up pulling Momo up with him as he hugged her and she hugged him back. "Shall we head in now?" "Yea." Vinay held onto Momo's hand as he guided her towards the dorm door and opened it finding the class sitting on the couch with Anurag explaining to them the entire floor plans. 

"Stealing my thunder?" Everyone turned back around to look at Vinay and Momo." "Well you were busy so I took the liberty to explain everyone about the rules and sections. Momo you should also take a seat and I'll explain it to you as well." 

Momo took a seat beside who gave Momo a wink, as Momo looked down blushing.

Vinay smiled seeing it go down as he turned around dropping his smile and disappeared from there entering into a corridor of crystal like walls moving forward he reached out with his hand grabbing another the wrist of another person who seemed to be pinning a bald man to the walls.

Vinay looked at him recognizing the green hair but as the man turned around he saw red in his eyes. 'Izuku occupied by All For One.' 

He then threw him away from the watcher. "Vinay sir!" "Watcher I thought you were told not to let anyone in?" "Yes sir I remember what you said but this person Broke his way in." "WHO ARE YOU?" "I am Vinay Dahiya the right-hand Man of the GOD of this multiverse, the 2nd strongest being around." "2nd Strongest? It will be fun beating you."

The two of them rushed at one another trading blows. Vinay thought 'he is getting used to his Psudo-tier 1 status I can't kill him but I can sure as hell beat him to a pulp.'

The two of the strongest beings in the multiverse were clashing with such strength and force that they were nearly destroying it as a whole.

But the fight soon ended with Vinay emerging Victorious due to his longer experience and him being on a higher cosmic tier.

As he stood over the knocked-out AFO Vinay bound him in chains and sent him to the center of the multiverse locked in a cage that did not let his powers escape the cage inside he could do anything he wanted but no one outside would be affected.

"Keep him locked up will you I will deal with him after my succession to Tier 0" "Yes Vinay sir!"

Vinay then turned away from cage and began walking away soon finding himself back in the common room finding Momo still there all alone.

"Momo?" Momo quickly stood up running up and hugging Vinay. "Where were you?" "Off doing some god work. Why are you so worried? Did something happen?" Momo shook her head while still hugging him "Then what?" "You were suddenly gone and did not return for almost an hour, you were nowhere, no one knew where you were and even if you were gone on God works can't you be in two places at once or even if you have to be there only can't you just go back in time to the point you left?" 

"I can do all that you mention, but that would make me inhumane, that is also the only reason I avoid seeing the future all the time, I do not wish to see anything that my eyes don't."

Momo looked at his eyes finding Love and warmth in them "All I wish is to Live a normal life with you without messing with time or dividing your attention with anyone else. If I am spending time with you then it's just you no other person gets to have me at that time even if it means That the world might get destroyed. If I am with you its just you."

Momo smiled hugging him "It makes me happy how much you love me." "And seeing you be happy makes me happy. Shall we go sleep for the night?" Momo broke the hug "Yea we should. Goodnight Vinay" "Goodnight my beloved."

Momo snickered at the remark at the end and walked to the girls section while smiling and waving back at Vinay.

Who saw his girlfriend walking away as a smile found it's way onto his lips and just as soon his girlfriend was gone he made his way to his room smiling.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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