Part 10:Winding up

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Momo looked in shock as her friend was impaled through the stomach and blood was dripping everywhere she slowly stood and approached him trying to hold his face before His body started to fall due to Shoto having melted the Ice. 

"Wow that was one Hellova match, wasn't it Shouta? Your student did really well. Why are you looking at the stands, what could possibly be that interesting.........HOLY FUCK, SOMEONE GOT IMPALED." The entire crowd who was cheering up until now went dead silent as they saw Momo holding up the body while hugging it with her classmates telling her to put it down. 

Present Mic turns towards his friend only to find an empty chair on the ground as Eraser is already running out the door. Present Mic follows suit and all the teachers arrive at the Class 1A stands and just stand there thinking about what to do. 

Midnight goes and comforts Momo getting her away from the body as she hugs Midnight and starts to cry out of control.

Endeavor flies down to the arena and is about to slap Shoto but before he could do it Shoto is punched in the Face and sent to the ground.

Everyone in the stadium looks at who did that to Shoto along with Endeavour who loses his fiery beard seeing Vinay standing there completely fine. "That's your 2nd strike Todoroki." Hearing this voice all the 1A students and teachers nearby the body look down except for Momo who looks at the corpse only to see it turn into bright light and the light fly away. Then she looks where all the others are looking to find him standing above Shoto alongside Endeavor. 

She without any worried jumps down from the balcony "Hey, kid careful" Midnight attempted to stop her but it was too late she was already on the ground running towards Vinay "Vinay, Vinay Vinay" Vinay hearing his name turned around and saw Momo running at him finding her safe he ran towards her with his arms stretched "Momo" only for him to be met with a punch to the face as he fell down." 

"What was that huh another illusion." "No I actually died, but you know being a tier 1 being I made a new body and put my soul inside it." "Ohh I see." Momo then helped Vinay up as the entire crowd was now feeling much better that he was alive again.

Endeavour meanwhile helped Shoto up or should I say lifted him up by his hands "You boy are grounded until you turn 18." Shoto freed his arm and basically walked off rolling his eyes. Vinay stood up only for Momo to hug him, smiling he hugged her back and then teleported to the rest of the class he then explained the situation to the rest of the teachers and they all went their way.

Mic then went back to commentary and told the audience what had happened who all finding it weird just accepted it.

Midnight then walked down to the arena "So after that disturbing thing, The next match will be between Izuku Midoriya and Hitoshi Shinso. After that, we move on to the Quarter Finals taking place Between Vinay and Anurag, Bakugo and Uraraka, Shoto and the winner of this round, and then Ida and Mei Hatsume."

Both Izuku Midoriya and Shinso had made their way to the arena as they stood opposite one another "Before we start tell me, What's it like to live your life with such a powerful quirk, I saw you during the cavalry battle that strong Quirk giving you superhuman strength and speed, tell me how was life when everyone lifted you on a pedestal for being strong." Izuku was boiling at this remark but kept his composure.

As soon as Midnight yelled "GO" Izuku charged up one for all to 100% and sent a blast toward Shinso just aimed to flutter his air Shinso felt the wind rush past him as he stared at Izuku who stood there with a shattered arm with his bone poking out of his flesh as he clenched his other fist "This is the power I have Shinso, I am a glass canon at 100% I lived most my life as a quirkless due to the destructive power this quirk has, I don't know what happened to you by I lived through hell." With that Izuku ran towards Shinso who prepared to throw a punch at Izuku but Izuku simply dodged it and punched Shinso in the gut throwing him out of bounds.

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