4: Hallucinations

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Chapter 4

“We have math, science, history and art together,” Connor informed Rocky, looking over their schedules. He’d already compared mine to theirs. I had history with both of them; Literature with Connor and gym with Rocky.

I pouted and complained, “That’s not fair; you guys have four classes together! I only have two with each of you.”

“Maybe you’ll have some with your boyfriend,” Connor said, a smug smile spreading across his face. Rocky smirked as well and I just stared at them.

My face was blank as I replied, “I don’t have a boyfriend though…”

“Vincent?” Rocky prodded and I felt my face turn pink as I scowled at them. It had been bad enough when I had just Connor teasing me; now I had to deal with both of them.

I shook my head vigorously. “He’s not my boyfriend, he’s just a friend. Now, if you’ll excuse me; I have a class to go to.” Without waiting for a response, I turned on my heel and headed in the opposite direction.

“Gina, wait! You’re in my first class,” Connor called after me. I stopped and turned, crossing my arms over my chest. I watched him say goodbye to Rocky before running over to where I stood. We started walking and he asked, “Are you mad?”

I kept my eyes on the floor in front of me. “No.”

“Do you promise?” He checked, giving me a look that plainly said ‘you better not lie to me’. I cracked a smile at his worries.

“I promise.”

When the school day was over, I headed towards my dorm room, feeling something like a zombie. The first day of school always made me sleepy and today was no exception. I couldn’t wait to get back to my room and pass out on my bed.

“Hey, Gina,” Someone yelled from behind me. I wanted to groan, but I repressed it and turned around to see who it was. I didn’t regret it either. Vincent was a couple feet behind me, somehow managing to make the school uniform look good. Until now I thought that was impossible.

I stopped and waited for him to catch up with me, ignoring the dirty looks from people rushing past. When he reached me, I gave him a smile. “Hi. How was your first day?”

“Not too terrible. What about you? You look like you’re about to faint,” he remarked, his deep blue eyes looking me over. I clapped my hand to my mouth to muffle my yawn; a pretty perfect response to his question. “That well?” He asked; a smirk crossing over his face.

“Ha-ha. I’m exhausted. I hate the first day of school; especially the running across school to find your classes in time part,” I replied, playing with my necklace as we walked. It was a silver ring on a boring black chain; just simple enough to be in dress code. It was my favorite part of my outfit. The school outfit consisted of a plaid skirt, white blouse, black jacket and matching sneakers. The guys had to wear plain, brown pants.

Vincent laughed and agreed, “Yeah; that’s certainly not the best part of school.”

“I hate going to classes. But being at school is still better than being at home,” I muttered, thinking of the chaos at my house.

His expression turned sympathetic and he bumped his shoulder against mine. “How bad is your house? Don’t tell me your parents deal drugs for a living...”

“No; it’s nothing that bad. It’s just dramatic. My sister has a boyfriend that my parents don’t approve of and they’re always fighting. And as if that’s not bad enough, my parents are on the edge of getting a divorce.” It was like the words poured out of my mouth without my consent. I hadn’t even told Connor about my parents’ considering a divorce and he was my best friend.

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