12: Like A Date

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  • Dedicated to PCIMT- Katie.

Chapter 12

After dinner, Connor somehow managed to convince us to go to the library and research with him. We stayed there until nine, when they kicked us out, and we hadn't found a thing. Actually, Rocky found a book about Telekinesis, the ability to move objects with only using the mind. The librarian gave her a weird look when she borrowed it, but she told him it was for a project. He seemed to believe that pretty easily.

We were planning to research again today as soon as Rocky got back from Swim practice, because she'd decided to join the team. And Connor loved watching her practice, but I won't go into that. It disturbs me to even think about it.

Anyways, Vincent and I were currently in the library, doing homework. He sat next to me, his leg an inch away from mine. If I tried, I could easily pretend we were on a study date and not just studying as friends. I wished he would ask me out already, but so far he seemed content with holding my hand every once in a while or moving a piece of hair from my face to push it behind my ear. They were nice gestures, but I really wanted to make it official.

I felt Vincent's leg press against mine, making small butterflies erupt in my stomach. I glanced at him discreetly and saw him looking at me. I smiled and he returned it, his eyes flickered down to my lips. He instantly looked back up and snapped out of it, "Do you need help with that problem?" He gestured down to the math problem I had been working on for the past ten minutes. I would be lying if I said it was easy to focus on math when he was around me.

"Uh no, I've got it," I replied, trying to turn my attention to the math.

He suddenly closed his textbook, making me jump in surprise at the loud noise. "I think we've done enough homework for today. I'm sure Connor and Rocky won't mind if we get started a little early."

"Good idea, I'm tired of Algebra," I muttered, putting my homework into my backpack as Vincent did the same with his stuff. Once we were packed up, we went over to the computers and I looked up 'Getting Super Natural Abilities'. The results that popped up were endless. I looked over at Vincent for his opinion, "Which one should we find?"

"How should I know? Pick a random one," he decided hesitantly. I nodded and followed his advice, clicking on a title that sounded hopeful, 'Rare Facts about Magic.' According to the computer, it was in row F under GEH. I logged off the computer and went with Vincent to row F to find the book.

As we looked through the many titles, I said, "Tell me something about you."

"Um okay... I have an older brother and he's engaged. I have an older sister too. Then I have four younger siblings; two half-brothers, one half-sister and a step sister. What about you?" He asked as I located the GEH's.

I looked over the shelf as I replied, "Alison is my only sibling. Sometimes it sucks, but other times it's okay. I always wondered what it would be like to come from a big family though."

"It's not all that great." He took the book off the shelf. "Whether I'm at my Mom's or my Dad's house, it's always crowded and crazy."

We started towards the table we'd been sitting at before and I asked, "Where do your parents live?"

"They're all in Texas. My dad and his family live in the country and my mom's family lives in Austin," He informed me.

As we sat back down, neither of us bothered to open the book, we were too busy talking. "If you're from Texas, aren't you supposed to have an accent?" I teased, trying to imagine him with a southern accent.

He scoffed, "No. Some people that live out by my dad do though. Where my mom lives, everyone talks just like we do here."

"Well that's boring," I muttered. Vincent might be cuter with an accent... Nah, it was impossible for him to be cuter. Wow, I sound pathetic.

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