1: Departure

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Chapter 1

I woke up at 4:48 in the morning- two minutes from when my alarm was set to go off. At first I was disoriented; why was I up so early? My gaze fell on my calendar and it hit me that today was Saturday, August 21st! I wondered how I could have forgotten. Today was the day that I would leave for Linden High School and I was more than looking forward to it. I was a freshman there last year and this year I would be a sophomore.

The only downer was that I wouldn't get any of my powers for another year. Yes, I said powers. I'm part of a society of people called Supernaturals- and that's exactly what we are. Linden high school is where all Supernaturals go to high school to learn how to control their abilities. There is more than one school for Supernaturals, but they're all called Linden. I go to the one in Colorado because it's closest to my home in Utah.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Oh, so my alarm finally decided to go off. I turned it off and jumped out of bed, running over to my closet. I had already packed most of my stuff into my suitcase that was waiting downstairs. It had been especially challenging deciding what to wear on the plane. I wanted something comfortable, but nice because I would be seeing my friends today. I had eventually chosen a pair of blue jeans, a plain purple tank top, a black blazer, and my only pair of flip-flops.

After I was dressed, I put on some light make-up; consisting of foundation, eyeliner and mascara. I brushed my strawberry blonde, elbow length hair and stuffed my bathroom stuff into my carry-on bag. I checked the time and cringed; I had taken forty minutes and my plane left in an hour and a half. Running downstairs, I saw my parents and older sister patiently waiting for me at the table, sipping from mugs of coffee.

Alison turned to me with annoyance obvious on her face. "God Gina, could you possibly take any longer than you did? We have to leave like right now."

"I'm sorry I can't wake up beautiful," I muttered sarcastically.

Alison smiled innocently, looking like a Barbie doll. "I guess it just doesn't run in the family. Because I don't use any of that nasty stuff you put on your face."

"Liar," I scoffed.

Dad frowned and interrupted our conversation. "Enough, you girls can go without fighting for the next half hour, can't you?"

"Of course we can Daddy." Alison smiled charmingly, playing the part of an innocent little girl perfectly. When, in reality, she was the exact opposite.

Mom stood up, brushing back a strand of red hair that had fallen from her braid. "Good. Gina, promise not to pick any fights?"


Dad stood up, clutching his coffee in his hand. "Let's go so we don't miss your flight." He shepherded us out of the house and into the minivan. As I buckled my seatbelt, my gaze found its way to the house next door. My closest non-Supernatural friend lived there; she was probably fast asleep right now. She knew I was leaving early for boarding school so we'd said our goodbyes yesterday. What she didn't know was the whole thing about me being a Supernatural. It was against the law to tell ordinary humans about us.

"I can't believe this is my last year at Linden," Alison remarked as we headed towards the airport. She was sitting next to me, fiddling with the charm bracelet she always wore. I knew it was a gift from her boyfriend- she hadn't shut up about it since he'd given it to her.

Mom sighed. "Too bad you don't have any concrete plans for after high school. And moving in with your boyfriend doesn't count."

"I think it counts," she said under her breath, her voice bitter. I'd listened to this argument countless times over the summer after Jake came to stay with us for a few weeks right after school got out. That was when they informed us of their 'plan' for after high school.

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