23: Arriving in Texas

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I quickly shoved the rest of my stuff into my bag as I heard Vincent knock on the door of my room. I ran over and pulled it open. He looked at me curiously. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just trying to get all my stuff together," I responded, leaving the door open as I ran back to my suitcase.

He followed me inside and shut the door. "Yeah, you forgot to brush your hair..." My hand flew up to my hair as I realized he was right. My hair was in a big knot on my head.

"Oops," I muttered, grabbing my brush out of my purse. He watched as I tugged it through my hair, trying to flatten my messy bedhead. I finished and shoved my brush back into my bag, ignoring his chuckles.

He grabbed my hand once I finished zipping up my bag. "Are you ready?"

"I think so," I replied hesitantly, whipping my head around to observe the room. Rocky and Connor had left an hour ago and the room was devoid of all the clutter usually occupying it.

Vincent smiled slightly. "It's only two weeks not two years and you need to calm down. I'm sure you have everything you need."

"Okay..." I trailed, uncertain. He rolled his eyes and leaned down so his lips gently brushed against nine, sending little shivers down my spine.

He grinned against my lips and pulled back, "Better?"

"Much," I replied, going to kiss him again. He moved out of my reach and headed towards the door, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

I scowled and he smiled innocently. "You don't want us to miss the flight, do you?"

"No," I grumbled, grabbing my bags and following him out of my room. There would be time for kissing later...

"You look nervous," Vincent noticed as we climbed into the back of a yellow taxicab parked outside of the airport. We were supposed to take a cab to his dad's house, because his dad was busy with ranch work.

I nodded. "I am..."

"Why?" He looked mystified. I didn't reply as he told the cab driver where to go and paid him in advance.

When he was done, I replied, "What if your parents don't like me?" He rolled his eyes and I glowered at him.

"I didn't think you would care about that," he admitted, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulled me up against him.

I shrugged. "It would be weird staying with them if they hated me, and I... I really like you; I want them to like me."

"They'll love you," he promised, planting a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and let my head rest on his shoulder. This was so much better than suffering through an awkward car ride with either Mom or Dad complaining about the other one. Poor Alison, I should call her... But that could wait.

When we came to a stop, Vincent thanked the cab driver and we got out stuff from the trunk. As Vincent was getting his suitcase, I took note of our surroundings. We were in what looked like the middle of nowhere. There was a mailbox with a saddle placed on top of it and a house a few dozen feet away. It wasn't necessarily small, but it did look like a farm house.

"I know it's not much, but I love it here," Vincent said, making me jump. I looked over and saw he'd gotten all the bags out of the car and that the taxi had already driven away.

I shook my head in reply. "No, it's nice." He smiled and interlaced his fingers with mine once we'd picked up all our bags. Then we trudged to the house, the cold wind blowing my hair across my face. The weather was chilly, but nowhere near as cold as Colorado or Utah.

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