7: Healing Touch

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Chapter 7

When we got back to Vincent and Connor and their dates, Rocky put on a bright smile and chirped, “Hi, we’re back.” None of it seemed genuine though.

“Was everything okay?” Connor asked, moving next to Rocky despite Jamie’s dismay. I tried to keep the smirk from sliding onto my face.

She nodded, patting her hair. “Yeah; just a small hair malfunction, but it was fixed easily enough.”

“I think your hair looks great,” he complimented her shyly. I grinned at them, but I was pretty sure I saw Jamie roll her eyes.

Rocky blushed. “Thanks.” The song that was playing came to an end and a new song came on- one that I didn’t recognize. However, the look of amazement on Vincent’s face suggested that he did. As I listened, I decided I liked it- it sounded like one of my favorite bands, but I knew it wasn’t them. I knew all their songs.

“Who is this?” I asked Vincent, yelling over the music.

Amber nodded. “Yeah, I haven’t heard them before. They sound awful.” I looked at her with disgust, how could she not like it?

“It’s my band,” he stated and Amber turned as red as a tomato. I tried not to smirk at how well she’d embarrassed herself.

Looking up at Vincent, I realized I was almost his height with heels on; there were only a couple of inches between us. I hadn’t realized he was so tall before. “I think you guys sound awesome,” I told him.

Amber glanced at her sister. “Jamie, go with me to get some punch?” Connor and Rocky were having a very animated discussion while Jamie stood awkwardly to the side.

She instantly agreed, “Sure.” Then they disappeared; thank goodness. I saw Rocky smile when Connor didn’t even notice his date had left.

“They’re not coming back, are they?” Vincent asked me.

I shook my head, not being able to hold back a small laugh. “I don’t think so.”

“Well then, do you want to dance?” He didn’t sound too disappointed about their disappearance. I smiled and we started dancing to the tempo of the music.

After about ten minutes, I asked, “Why did Connor bring Jamie? We both know he’s totally into Rocky. He hasn’t even looked at another girl since he met her.”

“I don’t know; he was the one that asked the twins to go with us. I think he wanted to get her attention; and it looks like he succeeded,” he noted, his eyes focused over my shoulder. I turned and saw Connor and Rocky talking while dancing- or more precisely, swaying side to side.

I scoffed. “That is the stupidest thing ever. I have no idea why guys think it’s such a good idea to try to make girls jealous. Rocky was close to crying because of his stupid decision.”

“Good to know…” he trailed.

I smirked. “Why? Do you have a crush on someone?” Part of me hoped he would say yes, and the other part hoped he would say no.

“Maybe,” he said, his eyes meeting mine. The music changed to a slow song and all the couples started dancing close together while the single people crowded the bathrooms and food/ drink tables. “Do you want to dance with me? The tables look overcrowded.”

I smiled slightly; I would take any excuse to slow-dance with Vincent. “Sure.” He put his hands on my waist and I moved mine to his neck as he pulled me closer. Without thinking, I laid my head on his chest where I could feel his heart beating through his shirt. He didn’t say anything so I figured it was okay. I relaxed and enjoyed the next three minutes.

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