11: Lock Down

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Chapter 11

When I woke up, I could tell it was early morning by the light coming in from the window. A glance at my alarm clock proved my assumption correct; it was six in the morning. I looked over at Rocky to see if she was awake, which she wasn’t. I knew it would be best if I tried to go back to sleep and get more rest, but my brain was buzzing way too much to let me fall asleep.

So I pushed myself out of bed, instantly feeling hunger set in. I guess skipping dinner had caused me to be extra hungry this morning. The early risers would already be up and eating in the cafeteria, which meant I could go down there and join them. I changed in the bathroom so I didn’t wake up Rocky, and then did my makeup and pulled my hair into a fast braid.

Once I was finished getting ready, I left the bathroom and grabbed my purse, deciding I would have enough time to come back and get my backpack after breakfast. I left quickly, shutting the door quietly, and headed down to the cafeteria. It felt weird being awake so early in the nearly empty corridors that were usually abundant with students. I pushed off the strangeness and focused on my hunger.

I reached the cafeteria and bought breakfast, which consisted of eggs, ketchup and toast. Then I looked around the cafeteria for somewhere to sit. I didn’t know any of the people here; all of my friends slept in until the last possible minute like I usually did. That meant I would be sitting alone today... Fun.

About fifteen minutes into my lonely breakfast, Alison arrived in the cafeteria. It surprised me because she hated waking up early. She marched right over to my table and sat down. I gave her a small smile, “Hi.” I didn’t question why she wasn’t with Jake or any of her friends- the expression on her face said she wasn’t in the mood for it.

She met my gaze and gave me a steely glare, “I want answers now. What were you doing over by the practice rooms with that boy? And why were you acting drunk?”

“I was not acting drunk,” I complained, trying to buy myself some time. What was I supposed to say? If I told her the truth she would accuse me of lying or tell a teacher or our parents.

Alison glowered at me, “Cut the crap Gina. What was going on? Were you out there getting drunk with that guy? You could have been hurt, you know.”

“That guy’s name is Vincent in case you were wondering. And I was not getting drunk with him,” I spat back, wishing I could just tell her the truth. But if she decided to tattle, I wouldn’t be the only one that was hurt. And my friends didn’t deserve that.

She rolled her eyes, “Like I really care what his name is. And if you weren’t getting drunk with him, what were you doing?”

“It’s none of your business, and your friends just got here so why don’t you go sit with them?” I offered, hoping she would leave me alone and forget about it.

Sure enough, her eyes got starry when she saw Jake. She was so whipped. She turned back to me to say, “I’m not going to forget this you know. We will talk later.”

“Sure,” I muttered as she got up and walked away without so much as a farewell wave. Sarcastically, I added under my breath, “Love you too, sis.”

When I finished my breakfast, I got up, threw it away, and headed to the courtyard. I needed some time to just sit in the sun without having to worry about seeing a ghost or trying not to pass out. Sure I wanted to learn to control my gift, but it was turning out to be exhausting.

After the school day was over, I thought most of the drama was over well. I couldn’t have been more wrong… 

It happened while Rocky and I were hanging out in our room, working on homework and chatting. When suddenly, the school went into lockdown, which could only mean one thing- someone had broken into the school. Up until now, that was believed to be impossible.

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