25: Christmas Shopping

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I woke up wrapped in a pair of arms. I snuggled closer to the source of warmth unintentionally and felt it pull me tighter. I started to doze off again when I realized it was a person. My eyes flew open, but my scream got stuck in my throat as my eyes landed on Vincent. I sighed with relief, glad that it wasn't some random creep. Then I scowled and pushed on his shoulders, trying to wake him up.

Instead, he pulled me closer to him. I fought the urge to curl up and go back to sleep and continued to shake his shoulders. Finally, he peeled open his eyes and muttered sleepily, "What?"

"Why are you in my bed?" I gave him a pointed look though I doubt he saw it because his eyes were fluttering closed again.

He pressed his face into my shoulder. "Technically it's my bed and go back to sleep, it's not even five yet." I started to protest, but he held me closer to him and I forgot what I was about to say. Giving up, I rested my head back on the pillow; I could make him explain in the morning...

The next time I woke up, I was alone. I glanced at the couch to see if I had been dreaming when I thought Vincent was in the bed. But he wasn't on the couch either and I realized he must have got up and went outside. I looked at the alarm clock and decided I had slept in late enough; it was already eight thirty.

I trudged out of bed and over to my suitcase, pulling out a tee-shirt, jacket and jeans. I changed swiftly, brushed my hair and headed downstairs, not sure what to do. Luckily, Sofia was in the kitchen, eating cereal. I joined her at the table. "Good morning."

"Hi, do you want some cereal?" She responded, gesturing to the multiple cereal boxes that had been left out on the counter.

I shook my head. "I'm not hungry."

"Oh, so you're looking for Vincent?" She guessed, taking another spoonful of chocolate cereal. I nodded in reply and waited for her to finish chewing. When she did, she said, "He's out in the barn, either feeding horses or brushing Ritz."

I smiled gratefully. "Okay, thanks."

"No problem." I gave her a small wave and got up, going to the front door where I paused to slip on my boots. They had definitely come in handy while riding yesterday.

I made my way down to the barn, waving to Melissa when I passed her. I reached it and started searching for Vincent until I found him brushing Ritz. He didn't see me immediately, as he was leaning over to clean Ritz's hoof, and I took that time to study him. He was decked out in cowboy clothes consisting of a button down tee-shirt, jeans, pointed boots and even a cowboy hat. Up until now, I'd never seen a cowboy that looked so hot.

"Are you done staring at me?" He asked, making me jump and blush. He must have finished cleaning the hoof and turned to face me while I was checking him out.

I thought quickly. "Yeah, I was just surprised by your ensemble."

"Oh, that's a big word," he teased. "And I know it's a bit much... I was just getting into the spirit of being back on the farm."

I smiled. "You really like it here, huh?"

"Yeah," he admitted.

I took a step closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with the hem of his hat. "I like seeing you so... in your element I guess you could say."

"Do you want to know why you're the first girlfriend that I've brought here?" He asked randomly. I nodded and he continued, "I was embarrassed about what my other girlfriends would think about dating a country hick, but I knew you wouldn't judge me." I'm pretty sure my heart inflated at his words and a grin broke onto my face.

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