3: The Assembly

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Chapter 3

"You look fancy. Is there a party or something after the assembly?" Rocky asked me a few minutes before we were planning to leave.

I frowned at her. "I don't look fancy... Do I?"

Rocky gave me a 'what's up' kind of look. Then she smiled knowingly. "Is there someone you are dressing up for? Maybe a boyfriend?"

I shook my head and looked over my outfit in the mirror. I had changed into a decent blue dress and a black leather jacket. On Monday we would have to start wearing our uniforms so I figured why not take advantage of being able to wear what I wanted to before then. But now I was starting to regret it.

"No... it's not that fancy," I protested. She had changed into an ordinary black tee-shirt, but kept the ripped jeans and boots on. No more casual than my outfit...

"Okay," she replied, dragging out the 'o' to show her doubt.

I grabbed my bag as we left the dorm room. "What about you? Anyone you like here?" Please say Connor, please say Connor, please say-

"Well, I had a boyfriend back in California, but we broke up when I moved here. There wasn't really a reason to stay together, you know?"

I nodded and clarified, "So, you're completely over him?"

"Yeah... why?" She asked as we reached the crowded hallway that led to the court yard. There were too many students to fit us all in the gym or cafeteria.

I shrugged. "I'm just curious. Do you see Connor anywhere?" I looked around the courtyard, but I didn't see my best friend. However, I did see Vincent and he saw me, stopping to wave. I waved back before he turned and continued talking to his friend.

Rocky tapped my shoulder and I looked over at her. "He's over there," She informed me, pointing at Connor. He was leaning against a wall, listening to music. We reached him quickly and he smiled at us.

Taking one of his earphones out, he said, "Hi! You got here on time." I laughed as Rocky looked between us, probably wondering what he was talking about.

"Long story," I told her and she nodded in understanding.

Connor chuckled. "When do you think this actually starts? Maybe we didn't actually miss that much of it last year..."

"Again with the inside jokes," Rocky said, smiling. Although I was pretty sure there was something behind it... maybe jealousy? Did she lie about not liking anyone? I didn't know her well, but it seemed like she was crushing on Connor. That would be perfect!

Connor laughed awkwardly. "Yeah sorry..."

"Hey, did you get a new roommate?" She asked suddenly, reminding me that I had forgotten to ask him. What kind of a best friend was I?

He nodded and answered, "Yeah; I'm sharing a room with that guy from lunch- what was his name? Victor?"

I glanced at Vincent as Connor spoke and my eyes met his like earlier. This time I looked away quickly; embarrassed that he had caught me looking at him. "His name is Vincent," I corrected Connor automatically.

"Oh yeah, he was in the office when I went in there and he needed a roommate too... Gina met Vincent in the bathroom," Connor informed Rocky, the smirk from earlier reappearing on his freckled face.

Rocky laughed and gave me an incredulous look. "I would be very scared to go anywhere near him after that..."

I rolled my eyes, punching Connor's arm and making him fake wince. "He's lying. I didn't meet Vincent in the bathroom; I met him in the lobby and he showed me where the bathrooms were."

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