19: Ignored and Attacked

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I woke up in the infirmary; a large room filled with beds. At first my mind was groggy and I looked around, trying to remember what happened. My eyes fell on Vincent and it all came rushing back. We were in a car accident caused by vampires.

“Oh good, you’re awake.” A soft voice said from my left. I looked up and saw Mrs. Helen, the school nurse. Her Supernatural ability was healing so she was perfect for the job. Maybe she could help train Connor when he turned sixteen.

I nodded. “How is everyone else?”

“No one’s dead,” she started. “You broke your leg, but I fixed that up for you. Ms. Duran, Chase and Greg were uninjured. Matt has a mild concussion and Vincent’s in a coma. He received the blunt of the impact and was badly injured. I healed him, but he hasn’t woken up yet. I’m sure he’ll be up any minute.”

I glanced at Vincent, asleep on the cot beside me, and anger swelled inside of me. Those stupid vampires needed to be stopped before someone else got hurt. Wait- today was Saturday, the fieldtrip day. The whole school would be walking into their own demise.

“Has the field trip started yet?” I asked Mrs. Helen anxiously.

She shook her head. “No, but I don’t recommend you going. You need rest. I’ve done what I can, but powers can’t heal everything. You still have a fractured ankle. I tried to heal it, but there’s only so much I can do per day without wearing myself out. I’ll be able to heal it for you tomorrow.”

“Okay, I won’t go. I just need to… talk to Rocky before she leaves!”

Mrs. Helen nodded. “Alright, I’ll call her down right now…”

“No! I feel fine- can I go talk to her, please?” I asked, trying not to let my panic get the better of me.

She sighed and replied, “Okay, but I want you to use these crutches.” I instantly agreed and pushed myself off the cot, hobbling over to get the crutches from her. She gave me a disapproving look that I ignored. I waved to her once before limping out of the infirmary and towards my dorm, praying that I wouldn’t be too late.

I reached the dorm and was relieved when Rocky opened the door. She raised her eyebrows at me, “You look like a mess.”

“You can’t go on the field trip.”

She cocked her head to the side. “What?”

“Mr. Smith didn’t take care of the vampires. They’re still out there and they’re going to attack you guys. We didn’t get hit by some random psycho, we were hit by vampires. I saw the driver’s eyes and they were glowing red. You can’t leave the school.”

Rocky shook her head slowly. “What are you talking about? I think you’re disoriented from the accident. Mr. Smith said he took care of the vampires and that the trip would be completely safe. I’m sure it’s fine- you’re just being paranoid.”

“I’m not being paranoid,” I snapped, irritated that she wasn’t listening to me. If she went out there, she was walking into certain death. “I’m telling you, we were hit by vampires!”

She sighed. “Why would they use a car accident? They could easily stop the car and eat you all, but they didn’t. It wasn’t vampires that ‘attacked’ you. I trust Mr. Smith, he’s a good principal.”

“Rocky!” I exclaimed, pulling my hand through my hair in agitation.

She rolled her eyes. “I’m leaving now. I’ll see you when I get back.” I started to protest, but she left and slammed the door behind her. Well that pretty much only left me one option and it was fairly ridiculous. I had to go on the field trip….

“Gina, I thought you weren’t coming,” Connor said when he saw me. He was standing against the wall next to Rocky. Everyone that was going on the field trip was in the cafeteria, waiting for the adults.

I sighed. “I didn’t want to, but Rocky wouldn’t believe me that there are vampires outside. They were the ones that hit us in the car accident. You believe me, right Connor?” He hesitated and I hid my hurt by glaring at him. “Fine; I’m going to go talk to Mr. Smith.”

I used my crutches to hop away from them, ignoring Connor when he called after me. I made it halfway across the cafeteria before everyone started to move towards the school doors. It was then that I knew I would have no chance at finding Mr. Smith at this point. So I moved with the crowd outside. I wasn’t sure what my plan was, but I knew I had to do something.

It was peaceful, with no sign of vampires, but I didn’t let myself relax. I knew they were out here, waiting for us… We made it to the border before my prediction was proved correct; we walked right into a crowd of bloodthirsty vampires.

“Get back!” I heard Mr. Smith shout and the teachers pushed to the front of the crowd. Some students screamed, some looked like they were about to faint. Mr. Smith scowled at the vampires that lengthily outnumbered the teachers. “What do you want?”

The vampire in the front laughed evilly. “Surrender and the Supernatural kingdom will fall into our hands. Fight and the same outcome will await you, with more deceased.”

“You will never have control,” he fired back. Our crowd began to drawback, into school grounds. We were safe on the other side of the force field. Mr. Smith continued to distract the vampires while the teachers shooed us back into safety.

Then one of the vampires noticed what we were doing. “They’re getting away.” Immediately they lunged forward and attacked the few teachers that were in the unshielded part. The teachers fought back, hard, but they were outnumbered. The four of them fell before anyone could help and screams could be heard all over campus. I felt my knees buckling, knowing that I could have tried harder. I could have prevented this. With that in mind, I passed out once again.

I woke up in the same cot as before, but this time the nurse’s office was crowded with other students that had fainted. I looked over at Vincent and saw that he was awake and staring at me. “Hi,” I croaked, my throat felt dry. I cleared it a few times.

“Hey, Connor came and told me what happened,” he informed me, his face somber.

I nodded, feeling guilty. “I tried to stop it, I really did. But I couldn’t find Mr. Smith and-”

“Gina, no one blames you,” he interrupted me. “Rocky and Connor blame themselves for not listening to you. Half the student body blames themselves for not being able to help.” I shook my head, not bothering to reply. I really didn’t know what to say. Vincent opened his arms, “Come here.”

I got up hesitantly. My ankle felt better. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, come on,” he replied. I smiled and carefully got onto the bed beside him. He wrapped his arms around me and I put my head on his chest. And then I cried. It didn’t matter that we were in a public place or that people might be staring. I felt safe in Vincent’s arms.

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