2: Stupid Excuses

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Chapter 2

The bus pulled up at the hotel and I grinned when I saw Connor out front, waiting for me. He had his hands shoved deep in his pockets and he was staring at the ground causing his glasses to slide partially down his nose. Skylar scoffed, "He's such a nerd."

My gaze snapped from Connor to her. "He's my best friend, so shut up before you regret it."

"Gina," Alison reprimanded, sounding disappointed and angry. Shouldn't she side with her sister over some giggly friend?

"Whatever," I grumbled before scurrying out of the bus.

I joined Connor and hugged him quickly, before he could protest. "Hi!" He moved out of my grasp, scrunching his face up in distaste.

"I don't like hugs; you know that." I just laughed, knowing exactly how much he hated hugs.

"Not even when it's from your best friend after months of not seeing each other? I think that deserves two hugs," I teased.

Connor rolled his eyes at me. "Don't even try that- I missed you, but I won't hug you. Anyways, how was your summer? Better than mine, I hope."

"I spent most of it waiting for school to start," I admitted as we walked towards the hotel door. I could hear Alison and Skylar laughing annoyingly behind us, probably talking about Jake again.

He shrugged. "At least you didn't have to spend it taking care of your crazy, two year old brother. My parents decided to take him out of daycare because I would be there."

"Aw, I'm sorry Connor. That sucks." He pushed open the door and I followed him into the lobby where we were instantly swarmed with teenagers.

"I did meet someone that goes to our school though. She just moved in next door to me. Last year she went to the Linden High in California, but she transferred here." As he spoke, I noticed his cheeks turning a light pink.

I smiled. "It sounds like you like her... a lot. Are you two dating?"

"No!" He exclaimed. "We're just friends." If you ask me, he sounded very defensive about it...

Without realizing it, I had begun to smile mischievously. I quickly wiped it off my face before Connor noticed. "So what's her name? What does she look like?" I asked; firing off questions so fast I barely knew what I was asking.

Connor laughed and interrupted me, "You can come meet her, okay? Just try not to scare her off; I know you like to do that."

"Shut up!" I exclaimed.

He gave me a smile and led me over to a girl standing alone, holding a cup filled with punch. She grinned when she saw us and Connor introduced us, "Gina, this is Rocky. Rocky, this is Gina."

"Hi, it's cool to finally meet you! Connor talks about you all the time and how you're best friends," she told me, looking genuine.

Rocky didn't look at all like I expected her to. I expected her to look somewhat nerdy like the girls Connor usually liked. But she didn't look nerdy; she looked... different. She had tight curls of black hair pulled into a messy pony tail and a sparkly clip on the side. But it was her outfit that threw me off. She was wearing cut up jeans, a paint splattered tank top and leather boots... Connor's last girlfriend dressed like a teacher.

"Yeah, you too; I like your jeans." Even if I would never wear anything like them, I had to admit they were awesome... in a unique, artistic, kind of way.

She grinned. "Thanks; I cut them up myself. Oh, do you guys know when the first bus leaves? And when do we get our room numbers?"

"The first bus is supposed to get here in thirty minutes and we get to choose our room numbers once we get there," Connor answered, his neck turning the lightest shade of red. How could this girl not see that he was totally crushing on her?

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